Making a difference


Well-Known Member
All too often these days, you hear of people protesting, striking, and basically whining without making a damn bit of difference to the world. Let's all give kudos to someone who stepped up to bat, and actually made some small difference.

Tiger cubs breastfed by Myanmar woman being weaned to powdered milk

Sun Apr 24,11:19 AM ET Offbeat - AFP

YANGON (AFP) - Two endangered Bengal tiger cubs breastfed by a Myanmar woman are being weaned to a powdered milk solution and vitamin drops, the Myanmar Times reported.

AFP/Myanmar Times/File Photo

"They are becoming bigger and heavier, but they still need intensive care like they did a month ago," Khin Maung Win, chief veterinarian at the Yangon zoo, told the semi-official weekly in its edition to be published Monday.

The two cubs, a male and a female about five weeks old, drink about half a liter (one pint) of milk a day, he said. Their main diet is a powdered milk solution and vitamin drops but the female cub is still being breastfed, he added.

They were taken from their mother Noah Noah after she killed the third cub in her litter, prompting veterinarians to engage in alternative childcare, the Myanmar Times reported earlier.

Hla Htay, 40, a relative of a Yangon Zoological Gardens staffer, stepped in when she learned the cubs needed breast milk to survive.

The cubs, which were also bottlefed to supplement Hla Htay's nursing, will not go on public display for another two months, the paper said.

The cubs were the first born at the zoo for 16 years. Noah Noah and her mate were among two pairs of tigers sent from Thailand under an animal exchange program in 2001.

One year ago Myanmar's military government created the world's largest tiger reserve to protect its big cats, 250 of which remain in the wild.

That's awesome. :headbang:
I get so tired about people getting funny about women breast-feeding - they're just freakin' udders.
they probably still had to have different vitamins added in, but it's better than powder and they aren't capable of processing cows milk, so.....
aren't tigers born with teeth? babies aren't, as a general rule, born with sharp tiger teeth. ever hear of a pump for christsakes?
Does it really matter? :shrug: Besides, I'm sure mama-tiger wouldn't appreciate bein' prodded with sharp teeth any more than a human would.
i've been bit on the breast by a toothless baby. i can't imagine a baby tiger. a pump doesn't know?