Making life difficult


molṑn labé
Staff member
Quicktime can bite me. Looking to test the streaming of FiOS, I went to their site looking for a movie trailer. Something new that looked good. There isn't much available. In the interest of time, I chose something. Up pops a broken film image. I look around the page & it says something to the effect of get QT7 or shove off. "Well damn", thinks I. So I pick another. (carefully avoiding the new High-Def options) No go. Then another & another.

If ya ain't got Quicktime 7, your'e like new meat on the cell block.

Can't even download the damned things. I wonder if Shareazaa could help... :brush:
Same goes with realplayer. What really pisses me off is that they make it so difficult to download the damned "free" version.
Is my time and a headache considered free?
Shite. I'll download the free version alright. Realplayer and Quicktime can bite my ass.
The QT and RP Alternatives work about 70-80 percent of the time, I've found. I think part of the problem is that they're based off older versions of QT and RP.
Lovable Les turned me onto them 'alternatives'
months ago and they Roxxor

smoochie smoochie Les!