Man urinated on dying woman


Well-Known Member
September 19, 2007

A MAN who urinated on a stricken disabled woman as she lay dying in a street is facing jail after admitting outraging public decency.

Anthony Anderson admitted the single charge when he appeared before magistrates today.

After hearing how his actions robbed the 50-year-old woman of “any dignity”, magistrates agreed that their maximum sentencing powers of six months in prison were insufficient and transferred the case to Crown Court.

They heard how Anderson, 27, shouted “this is YouTube material” as he urinated on and later smothered shaving foam over the hapless victim who had collapsed near his home in Hartlepool.

The town’s magistrates today heard how Christine Lakinski, who suffered a number of medical problems, was making her way home with a box of laminate flooring when she fell ill and stumbled into a doorway.

Anderson, of Hartlepool, was at home with a friend and had smoked a cannabis joint and been drinking when another friend arrived and they spotted the woman.

The three went out and Anderson initially tried to rouse her by kicking the soles of her feet but then went back to his house to get a bucket of water which he threw over her.

The vulnerable victim never responded and Anderson was heard by witnesses to say: “I’m just going to go and piss on her.”

That was filmed on mobile phone and Anderson then got a tin of shaving foam from his home and covered her from head to foot before leaving her lying motionless in the doorway following the incident on July 26.

She was later declared dead at the scene and the cause of death later given as pancreatic failure.

During the incident the men were joined by a number of women and all were said to have laughed at his actions.

The two friends then got ready and went out for the night and Anderson was later found by police in a nightclub.

Lynne Dalton, prosecuting, today urged magistrates to transfer the case to Teesside Crown Court for sentencing claiming their maximum powers were insufficient.

She told the court that until January 2004 the charge of outraging public decency was an indictable offence and carried a maximum life sentence.

She said: “Although his actions did not contribute to her death it was appalling behaviour that robbed her of any dignity in the last hours of her life.

“No human being deserves the humiliation this lady was put through."

After the hearing, the woman’s brother, Mark Lakinski, said: “We will await the outcome and just hope he gets what he deserves.”

The hearing was adjourned until the week commencing October 22 at Teesside Crown Court and Anderson was granted unconditional bail.

He left court with a hooded top pulled up over his face.

initially tried to rouse her by kicking the soles of her feet but then went back to his house to get a bucket of water which he threw over her.

The vulnerable victim never responded and Anderson was heard by witnesses to say: “I’m just going to go and piss on her.”

What would cause such a lack of human comapssion?
yep (well, technically it'd be a lack of parenting since libs don't parent-they have nannies & day care)
actually the most disgustingly OVER-INVOLVED parents i've ever seen have been pretty stinkin' liberal. and i've met a lot of 'em.
oh my god!

all the people who watched him do that should get in trouble too.

“There are two kinds of evil people. People who do evil stuff and people who see evil stuff being done and don't try to stop it.” --janis in Mean Girls
And I'll add this, for the record.

If this lady died of pancreatic failure, I assure you she was in a pain none of us here can fathom. I wager trying to carry that stuff home when it hit was why she was unresponsive. Pancreas pain is as close to Hell as I ever want to be.
Come now, there's no reason to bring yerself down to his level... but if ye do wanna flay him, just make sure ye pee on it afterwards. ;)
Man who urinated on dying woman for YouTube glory jailed
Outraging public decency
By Drew Cullen → More by this author
Published Friday 26th October 2007 21:28 GMT
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A man who shouted "This is YouTube material" as he pissed on a dying, disabled woman has been sent to jail for three years.

Anthony Anderson, 27, had been smoking cannabis and drinking heavily with friends, when he found Christine Lakinski, 50, collapsed in a doorway in Hartlepool, in northern England.

Calling her a "smackhead", Anderson threw a bucket of water over her. He then urinated on the comatose woman and sprayed her with shaving foam, as his friends watched and laughed. The incident was captured for posterity on a camera phone. Anderson then went a night club, as you do.

Lakinski died at the scene of pancreatic failure. She had curvature of the spine and learning difficulties and suffered bullying all her life, according to reports.

Anderson pleaded guilty to "outraging public decency". ®

Another travesty of justice .. brought to you by your local legal system