Management Styles-What is best?


New Member
Where I work I have 3 rules:
Supervise Almost nothing

So far it seems to be working, from what I hear the department runs as good as it ever has, the staff are becoming more self sufficient and more confident, and I can take a vacation any time I want without arranging for coverage! :dance:

I jump in and work when there are staffing problems, spend a fair amount of time with Quality Improvement, attend a number of mind numbing useless meetings, and occassionally (read rarely) feel motivated to take on a project.

From the outside looking in, I might appear very very lazy (because largely I dont do anything except track information, gather data, and organize things-about 1 hour a day?) But, from what I have seen the "working managers" have to bust their humps all day long and have no idea what is going on with the "big picture" because they spend all their time putting out fires.

When they are asked by their boss for a situation update-they are clueless (even though they are doing more actual work than me). When asked how to fix a problem they are clueless. When asked about particular stastical data and tracking information, they are clueless.... You get the point.

No major management issues can be tackeled by someone working with this philosophy of "im one of the workers" because in the end...thats ALL THEY END UP BEING....One of the workers!

Anyone else have any ideas about what style is best?
You've got it. The best Manager delegates everything. The only thing to watch for with that style is mutiny from below.
at my office we have one good manager, one bad one

The good one does NOTHING, but when the excrament hits the rotary blade, he can fix it, jump in, and it's all fine.

the sucky one (mine) She gets involved, etc. when the fat hits the shan, she just yells at everyone, and I ignore her, and remove her from the network (i'm evil that way) so she sucks up cause she thinks she broke her computer again.
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