Marcus Vick


New Member
The quarterback for Viriginia Tech... or ex quarterback I should say... dismissed from the team a few weeks ago for a laundry list of bad-boy behavior on and off the field over a two year+ period of time has stuck out his pouty lip and declared for the NFL draft.

Does anyone think anyone is going to dump good money and design a team strategy around someone that makes Terrell Owens look like a nice guy? Who would dare take him? Someone may take him as a backup QB for a sub-mil salary... perhaps everyone will take a pass and declare that such a personality has no home at the top tier of the sport. How about the prospect of a banishment to the Euro NFL? The CFL? San Quentin?
After the gun waving at minors incident that occured after his dismissal, I doubt that any well established team will take a crack at him.
And for the life of me I just wanna smack him and ask what the hell he was thinking! Okay, you get kicked off your college team and have to declare for the draft if you want a future in football...and because of his dismissal he is already marked as a bad egg....then you go waving guns at high school students and you think anyone will pick you up to play for them? Where is the self-preservation? Maybe he should just declare for the prison league.
Spot said:
is this FFA member any good at quarterback?

What makes you think he's an FFA member? Future Farmers of America would have disowned him eons ago.

He's done. Let him bunk with Clarett.
Didn't the Vikings go through something like this already? Whatever happened to that guy anyways, nobody's even saying his name anymore, he seems to have vanished into some kind of black hole... ;)
Have you seen the NFL Network comercial, the "get your story straight" bits? "With Randy Moss out of the picture, it will be smooth sailing for the Vikings." HAHAHAHA
Yes, I definitely got a kick out of that one... "I love the Bears... but they're not winning three games this year."
rrfield said:
Have you seen the NFL Network comercial, the "get your story straight" bits? "With Randy Moss out of the picture, it will be smooth sailing for the Vikings." HAHAHAHA
I love that commercial!
Chad Johnson? Never heard of him.