Married on February 29th ???


New Member
Have a friend who is getting married on Fevruary 29th this year (Leap Year), think she'll only get an Anniversary present every 4 years?
Either that or have to celebrate Feb. 2th and March 1st.....
Mare said:
Have a friend who is getting married on Fevruary 29th this year (Leap Year), think she'll only get an Anniversary present every 4 years?
Either that or have to celebrate Feb. 2th and March 1st.....
Being a cheapskate-bastard, I think that one present every 4 years is just fine... :lol2:
I always wondered about that (birthdays, anniversaries, etc). Since the the first day of March is the 60th day of the calendar year that is the day. I kinda liked the idea of once per 4 but I am a cheapskate. Ask Greenie. :D
Gato_Solo said:
Being a cheapskate-bastard, I think that one present every 4 years is just fine... :lol2:

:grinyes: I used to live with a girl who's birthday was the tweny-ninth. She expected a present every year.
Did anyone ever see Pirates of Penzance? This thread is making me laugh just remembering the pirate (who was born on Feb. 29) getting out of his service only to find out that because he had not celebrated 21 birthdays that he was still a pirate.
Okay, so maybe it was a silly movie - but it made me laugh. It was also my first introduction to Kevin Klein's comedic acting. :lol:
getting married on the 29th of Feb. is just as stupid to me as getting hitched Christmas eve/day and New Year's eve/day
Handy way for the hubby-to-be to get out of the [inevitable] forgetting of the aniversary :)