Marvin K Mooney Will You Please GO NOW?!?


New Member
The same guy who always stinks up the bathroom does not know when to leave. When the movie and or computers are turned off, everyone else has left, and the words "I am going to bed" are spoken by the host...guess what...It is time to LEAVE! It is driving me insane. I understand that he lives by himself with an elderly couple he doesn't know well and he has few friends, but I would like to be able to spend some time with my fiancee without him chewing on his hand (yes he does this if there is not food in it) and talking about stupid online game crap that I don't and don't want to understand. I understand enough for Erik to share his adventures with me, but I am not playing the game so I am not too worried about what level character you have to be in order to distract the ogre in order to kill the goblin and summon your mount, or some such shit.

Anyway, how the hell do I tell him to go home? I solved the bathroom problem by spraying the spray in the bathroom and the hallway very noticably after he is in there and now it hasn't been so bad. Now, how the hell do I get him to leave?
At that point, it can be useful to make a semi-serious joke/comment like, "well, it's been nice having you over, but Eric and I gotta go fuck now... I heard it's good for the baby." ;)
Ooops, I thought it said Moonves, I was gonna jump in.

....but since I'm here, how bout the direct approach "we love you but... you need to leave now"
What level do you have to be to distract the ogre?

You snatch him by the collar, press your nose to his and whisper ... go ... the ...fuck... home... already.
unclehobart said:
What level do you have to be to distract the ogre?

You snatch him by the collar, press your nose to his and whisper ... go ... the ...fuck... home... already.
Dunno Rob, given the way Lissa described his behaviout hat may provoke a bad reaction.....
Just start uncontrollably crying around bedtime...If that doesn't work, have a mood-swing, and get verbally abusive with him. :grinyes:
Erik's friend? Have Erik tell the guy he's welcome to visit, but the visiting hours are over at xx:00 because you need your rest :)
Lissa this matter concerns me for the future
of your relationship with your significant other.
Either quit stressin' over this or solve it
by letting your hubby know that this is to be dealt with by him.

This may point to something that can be a problem over the long haul.
That child you are living with may need to grow up a little faster.
You are preggers for Christ’s sake!
Your desires no matter how whimsical should be paramount!

Now if your sig\other gets a totally hot 21-year-old female friend
that won't stay away, then I think you’ve got a problem. heh heh
Spirit said:
Erik's friend? Have Erik tell the guy he's welcome to visit, but the visiting hours are over at xx:00 because you need your rest :)
or get a t-shirt with "Mood swings start at XX:00" if hes still there after that its his fault.If its bothering you Erik should handle it,even if you don't want to make him,your pregnant and need your downtime ,"MAKE HIM HANDLE IT".
BeardofPants said:
At that point, it can be useful to make a semi-serious joke/comment like, "well, it's been nice having you over, but Eric and I gotta go fuck now... I heard it's good for the baby." ;)

I thought about something like that. I am pretty sure that most of his friends don't know about our restriction. :D

This isn't a huge problem and Erik won't be having his buddies over starting in April, so it won't affect the baby at all. I just get frusterates cause he just doesn't get the hint when we want him to leave.
Anyway, how the hell do I tell him to go home?

It's been nice seeing you. Now go home.

It is your place. Being a good host(ess) ends with rudeness on the part of your guests.
Stink up the bathroom worse than him....make it so bad that he can't stand the smell and makes his own excuses to leave...then force him to stay to furhter scar his nasal memory.
Gonz said:
It's been nice seeing you. Now go home.

It is your place. Being a good host(ess) ends with rudeness on the part of your guests.
I used to drag down a comforter and lay on the couch and pass out. This achieved making them have nowhere comfy to sit so it made the get the fuck out/fun's over you may as well go home pretty obvious, and the best one, it made him have to deal with his friends...cause his friends weren't my problem.
just make it clear that at a certain time its over. and if you have to have him physically escorted out.