Masturbating Canadian wins court challenge


Well-Known Member
OTTAWA (Reuters) - A Canadian who masturbated at a window in his house has won his appeal against a conviction for indecency after Canada's top court ruled there was no evidence of intent to commit an indecent act, and a home was not a public place.

The Supreme Court of Canada noted that British Columbian, Daryl Clark, had agreed it was an indecent act to have masturbated "in an illuminated room near an uncovered window visible to neighbours."

But Justice Morris Fish, writing the 9-0 decision, said such acts have to be done in public places to be a crime -- and a home was not a public place. The law also says indecent acts are only crimes in every location if the person intends to give offence.

Clark was convicted of an indecent act in a public place and given a four-month sentence after a prosecution that followed complaints from his neighbour, named in court documents only as Mrs. S.

The woman said she spotted Clark while she was watching television with her two young daughters in their family room.

She alerted her husband, and the couple observed Clark from their darkened bedroom for 10 or 15 minutes -- also using binoculars and a telescope -- before summoning the police, who said the upper part of Clark's body was visible from just below the navel.

"In my respectful view, the trial judge ... erred in concluding that the appellant's living room had been converted by him into a public place simply because he could be seen through his living room window and, though he did not know this, was being watched by Mr. and Mrs. S. from the privacy of their own bedroom 90 to 150 feet away," Fish wrote.

The supreme court ordered that Clark be acquitted.


Wank you very much.
the couple observed Clark from their darkened bedroom for 10 or 15 minutes -- also using binoculars and a telescope -- before summoning the police,
oh yeah? and they're calling him a sicko?
Note they don't seem to move or hide the kids he's supposedly wanking off too either. :retard:
well now you know. The Supreme Court says we don't have to shut the blinds! :D

did he intend for the neighbours to stare in his windows and grab their binoculars to be able to see better?
Gonz said:
If the blinds/drapes/coverings were open...obvioulsy

who said the upper part of Clark's body was visible from just below the navel.

Not unless he was licking his nipples,the window frame covered his naughty bits ,the same as a closed curtain would have.
if you are peering in my windows you should prepared to see some stuff like that. i wonder if they could see him well without the intrusive use of binoculars and a telescope.
Gonz said:
Are you suggesting he had no exhibitionist intent?
maybe so, maybe not. but if he really did i think our fair neighbors would not have needed devices to better see his exhibitionary act.
I dunno, I often stroll into my kitchen after a shower, only to suddenly remember I have a window facing.. lotsa other windows.. *oops*

She alerted her husband, and the couple observed Clark from their darkened bedroom for 10 or 15 minutes -- also using binoculars and a telescope --
before summoning the police, who said the upper part of Clark's body was visible from just below the navel.
Gee, how disappointing..
There are many rulings, from many courts, about this. If a reasonable person would reasonably believe they could be seen from a passing pedestrian or automobile, it's no longer private.
Hm. But what if said pedestrian stops in front of his house, and takes out the binoculars? Peeping Tom?
i stroll around as i am whenever i see fit. if you happen to be peering in my windows and don't like it you can piss off.
unclehobart said:
Did he go for distance or volume?
You know, I don't think I've mentioned it before but I frequently marvel at how you see right to the important question in a situation. :D
Nice to know a country exists where so little goes on that this is worthy of the supreme court's time.

Canada is da bomb eh.