maybe I should be a nurse?


Well-Known Member
I just spent 3 hours in the emergency room with my asthmatic son ... the thing is, I know how to do everything they did .. and I know the "whys" (I used to work for a doctor and spent 3 years as the nurse's assistant) ... I already had all the meds they used on him, minus the oxygen ... hmm... maybe I'm in the wrong line of work .. maybe I should be a nurse? Waddaya think? Can't you just see it now ...

"what seems to be the problem?" *cutesy nurse smile*

"well, I've been throwing up for 5 days and I have a fever and my leg hurts and I think I have a kidney infection and blahblahblahblah ... "

"hmm... would you like some cheese and crackers with that whine?"

Yikes, don't become a professional nurse ... then you'll be able to charge us for all the free advice we've been getting :p

hey ku'u - didja get my PM? I don't think this thing has a pop-up thingy ... umm.. you know what I mean *L*

*writing up fee slips for the Justintime* .. or would you prefer to work it off in trade? ;)
dontcha hate double posts?

oh well .. since I have this time, what seems to be the problem Justintime? Show me where it hurts ...;)
Na, can you buy an oxygen tank there? I used to have one in my car for emergencies-it came in handy a few times. It's also rumored that taking some hits on oxygen helps with hangovers and headaches. :D
If you were my nurse, I'd spare you the trouble and break my own leg and poison myself with strange prescription drugs. :D
Originally posted by greenfreak
Na, can you buy an oxygen tank there? I used to have one in my car for emergencies-it came in handy a few times. It's also rumored that taking some hits on oxygen helps with hangovers and headaches. :D

You can rent the tank, buy the oxygen, and you have to purchase the regulator for the tank too ... but it has to be done with a prescription .. and most doctors here won't prescribe it for kids merely for asthma ... :mad2:

When my father was alive, I used his .. he had an steady suppy of oxygen because he suffered from cluster headaches ... mepergan and oxygen were the only things that gave him some relief .. I used it when I had migraines ... but if I set the pressure too high, I was feeling all "real" for the rest of the day :D
Originally posted by sbcanada
If you were my nurse, I'd spare you the trouble and break my own leg and poison myself with strange prescription drugs. :D

that's cool :shrug:

I'd still bill you though

Na, you are the first person who has mentioned 'cluster headaches' also... My Dad had those one summer and they told him to drink regular coffee which helped but we thought he had a brain tumor for a while. It was scary!
greenie - my father suffered from cluster headaches for decades ... in all actuality, too much caffeine will strengthen the pain .. as will too much alchohol and fat in your diet ... my dad figured if the headaches were going to kill him (which he prayed for some days), he might as well live life out the way he likes it .. with beer and coffee and cigarrettes and gravy and biscuits with lots of butter and bacon and .. well, you get the picture :D
*dousing you with a gallon of holy water*

Back, you double-poster, back to the fiery pits from which you came from! :devil:
Decades?! OMG I saw what it did to my Dad who is this 'manly-man' who shrugs off pain, and I can't imagine dealing with that for decades. I wonder if it afflicts women too because so far, it's only two men that I know of that have had them. Maybe it's the male version of menopause-it started with my Dad in his late 40's. How old was he when it started?