

molṑn labé
Staff member
Unite! He's begun his 2008 Democratic Presidential Election nomination run.

WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Senator John McCain warned that Congress may consider imposing drug tests on major league baseball players, as Washington tries to stem the damage from a raging doping scandal that has discredited professional sport.

"I will introduce legislation in January that requires some kind of regimen for testing of Major League baseball players. And I believe that we can pass it through the Congress of the United States," Senator John McCain told the "Fox News Sunday" television program.

I think Barry Bonds should be booted for stupidity. He claims he took steroids but didn't know they were steroids. If you make a living of your physical prowess (in any manner) and don't know what you're injecting into your system, you are too stupid to live, much less play baseball.

That said...government needs to butt out of baseball.
Gonz said:
Unite! He's begun his 2008 Democratic Presidential Election nomination run.

I think Barry Bonds should be booted for stupidity. He claims he took steroids but didn't know they were steroids. If you make a living of your physical prowess (in any manner) and don't know what you're injecting into your system, you are too stupid to live, much less play baseball.

That said...government needs to butt out of baseball.

among other places.

I hoped he would continue his run last time. If he does this time I would prolly vote for him
He's a lifetime member of the Republican Party from the very state Barry Goldwater once proudly served & he has lost all his ideology doing the Beltway shuffle.
Gonz said:
He's a lifetime member of the Republican Party from the very state Barry Goldwater once proudly served & he has lost all his ideology doing the Beltway shuffle.


"Turncoat" is a term commonly applied by us true Arizonan Republicans.

I voted straight ticket but left the box blank next to Insane McCain.

My boy goes to High school with his Son. No secret service guys lol.
Conan O'Brien said:
In the year 2000... In the year 2000...

Major League Baseball will finally crack down on steroids. Barry Bonds will again lead the majors in home runs... with 3.
Gonz said:
I think Barry Bonds should be booted for stupidity. He claims he took steroids but didn't know they were steroids. If you make a living of your physical prowess (in any manner) and don't know what you're injecting into your system, you are too stupid to live, much less play baseball.

That said...government needs to butt out of baseball.

Bonds must either be a complete idiot, or think everyone else in the world is a complete idiot. His frame ballooned up overnight, he started doubling and tripling his HR tallies...and nothing is awry. Riiiii-iiiiight.

He claims he doesn't know what that stuff was they were smearing on him. Riiiii-iiiight.

His personal trainer is under Fed investigation for steroid distribution, but Barry never used any despite being the guy's pet athlete. Riiiiii-iiiiight.

He regularly worked out at a gym less than a block from Balco Laboratories, with the guy under indictment, and no one should be suspicious. Riii-iiight.

He's a creep. The thought that he will eventually be known as the greatest slugger in the history of baseball with this cloud over him is nauseating. The records he will soon break are among the most revered and sacred in the sport. His breaking them will forever taint them. Gee, thanks Barry.

It's a shame that government intervention will likely be needed to police drug abuse in professional sport. I oppose it, but I also understand that if all else fails, something must be done. When baseball proves unable to correct itself, then somebody else has to do it for them. Since the issue at hand is something that falls under the auspices of legality and illegality, it falls to the government I guess to fix it.
One thing we are all forgetting...illegal drug use is already a felony. If baseball wants to actually curb this illegal usage, they'd turn over players who popped a positive to the feds. As far as the union goes...if they want to protect their members who are doing illegal activities, fuck'em. They can go down for aiding and abetting...;)
I thought Unions were there to protect their rights but not to aid criminals. If they are doing drugs then the Union cant protect them
freako104 said:
I thought Unions were there to protect their rights but not to aid criminals. If they are doing drugs then the Union cant protect them

The players union has resisted random drug testing, and resisted any punishment for positive results of any testing done, since testing became available.
the testing I can sort of understand although I would fully support it if they were tested not necessarily randomly but if there was reason to suspect it. Otherwise I would sya I do not support what the Union did in those cases. If guilty they should be punished in some form
Suspected testing will result in a violation of Habeas Corpus & be thrown out.
how so? If there is reason to believe they are doing drugs then why cant it be tested? It makes no sense
The players union controls MLB. If the owners go over the players union to the law, the union will scream that there is no writ of Habeas Corpus, thus denying the ability of the owners to test. It's a game of huge amounts of money & the owners are the only ones writing checks.