

New Member
I always felt a little sorry for the guy because of the pained look he had during some of the crazy shit they made him say.

It's great to see him be able to bring some of this corruption to the surface and out the way the administration misled the public into a farce of a war.

June 9 (Bloomberg) -- Scott McClellan, the former presidential spokesman whose memoir says Vice President Dick Cheney may have misled him about the leak of a CIA agent's identity, has agreed to testify before the House Judiciary Committee.

``He has agreed to testify in the same spirit that he wrote the book,'' Michael Tigar, a Duke University law professor who is representing McClellan, said in a telephone interview. ``Mr. McClellan is available to tell what he knows.''

McClellan's book, ``What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception,'' says ``top White House officials'' and ``possibly'' Cheney assured him that President George W. Bush's top political aide, Karl Rove, hadn't leaked the name of covert operative Valerie Plame. The CIA agent's husband had publicly questioned evidence cited by the Bush administration to justify the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

McClellan also wrote that he publicly exonerated Rove and I. Lewis ``Scooter'' Libby after he was ``at best misled'' by them about their role in the leak of Plame's identity. Rove later acknowledged that he had discussed Plame with journalists. Libby was convicted of lying to investigators about his role in the leak. Bush commuted Libby's 2 1/2-year prison sentence.

Michigan Democrat John Conyers, the Judiciary panel's chairman, said in a statement that he has asked McClellan to testify on June 20.

``In his book, Mr. McClellan suggests that senior White House officials may have obstructed justice and engaged in a cover-up regarding the Valerie Plame leak,'' Conyers said.

In a statement last month after the book was published, Conyers said he found ``particularly disturbing'' an assertion by McClellan that he had been directed by then-White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card to ``vouch'' for Libby after the start of a criminal investigation of the leak.

Tigar, who is representing McClellan along with his wife, Jane Tigar, said they have consulted with Judiciary Committee staff about plans for his testimony.
funny how he didn't have a problem trying to doing the job, when he felt
so strongly opposed.

Benedict Arnold V remake.
Luckily for all of us he came to his senses and started recognizing what he was fed as BS. I swear you could see it on his face towards the end.
two ethical problems I Will NOT be around, or have around, is people who
are thieves, or are traitors.
I can tolerate a lot, but not any of those two.
the problem is, it's all opinionated and shit, instead of facts that add up right.
Pure playing to the left-wing for profit. :thumbdn:

Enjoy while ya can spike. That's what it's designed for. He'll fade.
What makes you think it's not facts? It's chock full of facts.

What you are saying about it is actually all opinion and no facts. You're simply trying to dismiss it out of hand because you don't like to hear it, not because you any evidence to the contrary.
In his book, Mr. McClellan suggests that senior White House officials may have obstructed justice and engaged in a cover-up regarding the Valerie Plame leak

Where are the facts? I suggest the minkey was part of the Lewinsky cover up (he really likes fat chicks)
I'm not attempting to fool anybody. Words mean things. In politics, the wording is especially important. You will seldom hear "I will not...." it' s typically " I have no plans to...."

McClellan suggests... is not the same as McClellan said...
When McClellan was Press Secretary, all the libs trashed him.

When he released his novella, all the libs loved him.

When the libs are through with him they will throw him under the bus.

McClellan will turn left, then right, ask "Where are all my friends?" and cry.

McClellan on D. Clarke's book deal in '04 said:
"Why, all of a sudden, if he had all those grave concerns, did he not raise these sooner? This is one-and-a-half years since he left the administration. And now, all of a sudden, he's raising these grave concerns that he claims he had."
It's great to see him be able to bring some of this corruption to the surface and out the way the administration misled the public into a farce of a war.

Ooooooo! Backfire--- Big time!

He's on CSPAN right this verrrra second, and NOT giving the libs the ginormous reveal they wanted by putting him on stage. :laugh:

You can tell by the look in his eye he anticipates the questions and he's already thought about the answers. He's not even breaking a sweat.

However, HE's getting what he wanted when he put his name on the book: his 15 mins. :shrug:

If I may surmise:


Just another waste of taxpayer's money by the dems trying to find proof the Bush administration is guilty of some evildoing that could lead to the glorious day when BushCheny could be impeached.

The Scott said:
"I do not know whether a crime was committed by any of the administration officials who revealed Valerie Plame's identity to reporters, nor do I know if there was an attempt by any person or persons to engage in a cover-up during the investigation.

Do the dems not know that Richard Armitage admitted his role in Plamegate, or would they rather not believe him?

Dog and Pony Show.
I thought this was over? Can't they find something new to piss & moan about?
Ooooooo! Backfire--- Big time!

He's on CSPAN right this verrrra second, and NOT giving the libs the ginormous reveal they wanted by putting him on stage.

I don't know what you were watching. He DID confirm the things he wrote in his book under oath which was exactly what they were expecting.

Backfire? Yeah right. :laugh:
He confirmned that Cheney & wassisname knew about the leak...AFTER the fact.