me & mexico


New Member
i just popped back here to tell luis that my halau (hula troupe) is heading to mexico in august. i'm not sure of the itinerary yet, but this will probably be the closest i'll get to seeing you :toast:
you know, i wanna say mexico city ... but i'm not sure. wherever we're going though, we're probably staying for a week :D
If you stay at Mexico City I might be able to make a weekend trip to meet.
:headbang: cool!! i better go find out where we're heading so we can make plans!!

all i know is we have to go almost a week in advance to acclimate because we're dancing at the 9,000 ft level. yikes!! considering that i live at sea level, 9,000 ft is up in the clouds!!
Yeah, you should hurry up with the dates and places ;)

So, would it be possible to drink some beers while you acclimate?