Media bias

Is the media(television)

  • Right wing

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Left wing

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • I am right wing

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • I am left wing

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
If you don't like the poll don't vote. I'm not asking who's a moderate because everyone here thinks they're a moderate.
"Asking whether the media is right or left biased is like asking if Al Qaeda uses too much oil in their hummus"

- Al Franken
I can't vote because I'm not political. In political terms, I have no idea what right or left means.

I don't know what right wing entails, and same goes for left wing.

I'm just a :tardbang:
Print media is biased toward whatever will sell the most copies, broadcast media toward whatever will draw the most viewers. Just watch the natioanl news during sweeps, and see what kind of lurid crap they run as news. As for political bias, if you're left you think it's right and vice versa.
TV news coverage is mostly liberally biased.

ABC, CBS, NBC, C*N, BBC, CNBC, Bloomberg and to a far lesser degree PMSNBC are all left leaning if not downright leftists rebels.

FoxNews is fair & balanced :rofl3:

Radio is definately right wing (still waiting for a left wing radio host who can say something intelligent). It's not a conspiracy as claimed by Gore & friends though.

Print news leans left but there are enough papers to balance it out. Well, except for the idiots that run the NY Times. That paper has been, and still is the source for a majority of newspapers lead stories. Too bad they forgot how to check the facts.
CydCharisse said:
I don't understand the ring wing, left wing stuff. I'm not big on politics obviously.

Here's a prime example:

The bobming in Israel on Tuesday. The left would report something to the effect: "A suicide bomber attacks a bus";

while the right would report: "20 murdered by suicide bomber".
Gonz said:
Here's a prime example:

The bobming in Israel on Tuesday. The left would report something to the effect: "A suicide bomber attacks a bus";

while the right would report: "20 murdered by suicide bomber".

Yeah Cyd...The right is a big drama club...:rofl:
Gonz said:
FoxNews is fair & balanced :rofl3:

*falls out of his chair and lays gasping and cackling on tne floor*

Isn't that TGN (The Geraldo Network)?
I tend to stay away from politics. My head is full of enough stuff to worry about already. I don't think of myself in any political sense at all.

What, no option for "stupid wing".

Did any of you actually know any journalism majors in college? I did. and Geeezzeee. Biggest bunch or morons I have ever seen.

I dont really pay any attention to TV news. I get my news from the web or in print, and even then you really need to just skip to the end and see what the source is and just go read the actual source for the real story especialy if it is a scientific or technical piece.
Inkara1 said:

No problem, Im an equal opportunity discriminator.

But, if you were one, you might actually agree with depending on where you went to school.

I will say the ones at UNC-G and Chapel Hill (between 91-97) looked and acted like rejects from an episode of buffy the vampire slayer.

One of them even "fainted" every time we got together in a group for attention and got in trouble for fabricating stories. Another one would always rub his chin and went "hmmmm....I think" at the beginning of every sentence. Another one almost got a kid killed by quoting racist comments without checking his source and then come to find out the kid didnt even make the comments. Campus police had to put him in protective custody for his own protection and he transferred to another school the next year.

I could go on and on. My roomate was the chair of the university media board so I got the scoop on everything. I will say it again...complete morons.

I was a nursing major, mike was a biology major (the guy who was chair) and tim was a computer science major.

We all liked to play around with video cameras and photo cameras and the stuff we contributed (video year book and photos for the paper) were 10x times better than the shit the journalism majors ever came up with. Of course, mike had been playing around with short films since Junior high and tim was a wiz with graphics and digital animation, and I always seemed to have the luck to walk out and find a car on fire or a dead dog by the food court or somthing (im just oneof those people) but stilll...none of were even in the damm major!

Our stuff should not have been better!

Oh and have you ever watched local tv news. Their coverage of science, tech, and medicine is laughable. Half the time they cant even pronounce the words right and they have a talent for screwing up just enough of the details to make the meaning completely different from what actually happened. When I say laughable Im not kidding. If I happened to have caught the story or study elsewhere, I have actually busted out laughing at the news coverage of it.

No respect for TV news what so ever.
somewhat between but it also depends on the station and who owns it more than anything else. but somemore of a left slant as of late. but i still think theres a bit of a right slant too
Another one almost got a kid killed by quoting racist comments without checking his source and then come to find out the kid didnt even make the comments.
Bet that one works for Fox News now. :lol:
My education has been at California State University, Fresno. The journalists there actually try to get the story right.

And it's been long known that television and radio news aren't to be considered "in-depth." That medium offers "McNuggets" of "McNews." Your real in-depth stuff is in the paper. Just watch your local news at 5:00 and the national news at 5:30, and then compare it to what's in the next morning's paper. Because a once-a-day paper will always lose the immediacy battle, the focus there has shifted to offering real depth. If you've noticed, it takes a couple of hours to read the paper end to end, but the TV news has half an hour.
Inkara1 said:
If you've noticed, it takes a couple of hours to read the paper end to end, but the TV news has half an hour.

Break it down even further...a heady TV news piece of in-depth coverage won't last more than about 3:30-maybe 5:00 if Dan is on the case.

You're right though, TV & radio is for headlines & breaking news & print media is for the deeper story. Too bad the NY Times forgets to check facts. They used to be great (at least 2 years ago)