Memorial Day...


New Member
I just realized that I have Friday May 24th and Monday May 27th off for Memorial Day. Since I work for a heating oil company, we forsake cold weather holidays and use them around warm weather holidays so I always get long weekens for Memorial Day, Independance Day, etc. Four day weekend WOO HOO!! :headbng2: :headbng2: :headbng2:

My Godson's birthday is May 31st but we usually celebrate on Memorial Day weekend so we'll probably have a family gathering at my parent's house. My Dad just drove up from Florida this weekend so it will be the first time I've seen him since Christmas. :)

What is everyone else doing this weekend? Besides getting drunk, I mean? ;)
we get a 4 day bank holiday for the jubilee later this month [sat sun mon tues], which will be nice, i think i'll go down to exeter and see my grandmother.

this weekend is another round of cv, portfolio and website work, neatly fitting into a trip down to kent for a wedding.
Going to a reunion of my wife's family in Memphis. 5 hours each way in a car with a one year-old. Wheee!!
Taking Thur. and Fri. off. Got to get started painting the outside of my house. Damnit, I always seem to use up vacation time doin stuff around the house :crying3:
My 15-year old sister who lives with me is going on an off-island school field trip. My boyfriend and I will be all alone :D