Men conquer a new frontier: the mall


Well-Known Member
Part of the male upswing may be related to a strategy malls have adopted from department stores: Put the male-related goods near the entrance so that the shopping-phobic male barely has to stretch his legs.

You'd think the hunter/gatherer segment of the population would enjoy shopping.
i might if they had a few less shoe stores and a few more stores i might actually find something to buy in.
In the 21st century, it's easier to find, stalk, kill & carve up a Mastedon for dinner than to find the right anything at a mall (except the Sears tools dept...they are & always have been by the back door)
The only time ive ever had a panic attack was in Selfridges, London. The new years sale was on and my ex was trying to get some shoes. The stampede mentality of the women drove me over the edge and I had to leg it to the pub over the road to have a pint and calm down.