Men Prefer Subordinate Women


Staff member

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - [size=-1]Men would rather marry their female assistants than equal-ranking women or their supervisors, according to social psychologists. [/size]

The results are based on a study of men's ratings of imaginary women with different job titles, during which they judged them according to their appeal as a one-night stand, friend, or long-term partner.

Men's preferences for less-dominant women may be rooted in evolution, the researchers suggest.

"Males who preferred to mate with relatively subordinate partners - as opposed to higher dominance partners - may have been better able to limit the chance - or amount - of paternal uncertainty, either by preventing their partner from having sex outside of the partnership or by being able to closely monitor their partner's sexual behavior for possible infidelity," write Stephanie L. Brown and Brian P. Lewis.

Brown is based at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, and Lewis at the University of California in Los Angeles.

Previous investigations into what type of mate men and women prefer have defined dominance in different ways. Some studies, for instance, have described dominance by personality - such as aggressiveness - or by possession of desirable resources, such as status, fame or fortune.

Many of these studies, in contrast to the current research, found that men did not appear to have a preference for women who were less dominant than themselves, according to their definitions of dominance.

In the current study, Brown and Lewis based dominance on differences in rank in the workplace, where dominant, potential mates have the ability to "exercise their own will at the expense of a less dominant other," they write in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior.

During the study, 120 male and 208 female undergraduates read scenarios about different people at work, looked at their pictures, and noted how much they would like to be associated them. All photos were deemed by judges to be of people similar in age and attractiveness.

Men said they would prefer a less-dominant women both as long-term partners and as friends they would enjoy doing things with, such as exercising and going to a party.

In contrast, for women, a man's status had no influence on his desirability as a partner.

SOURCE: Evolution and Human Behavior, November 2004.

Funny how that works, I prefer a somewhat dominant man over a wussy.


Rob, that phrase would be a whole lot better if it ended with woman.
as in...Go get my coffee, woman!!

Gonz said:
Strong women need not be dominating.

This is true my friend!!! I prefer to be strong, and I think I am, mind, body, and soul!!! Some may say a tuff cookie in & out. But, I don't wish to dominate any man, every woman needs that man to stand next to her, TMO! :swing:

But, of course, there's always that part of me that holds the pain in and tries not to show the weak side....that's where the man comes in to help protect...again, that's my opinion.
Leslie said:
Rob, that phrase would be a whole lot better if it ended with woman.
as in...Go get my coffee, woman!!

Juuust trying to make you feel young. ;) -er ...for you are younger than I.


*scratches butt*

I only posted that because that's what unc posted when I talked about me and that one girl grading each other's burps.
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Men would rather marry their female assistants than equal-ranking women or their supervisors, according to social psychologists.
The results are based on a study of men's ratings of imaginary women with different job titles, during which they judged them according to their appeal as a one-night stand, friend, or long-term partner.
Men's preferences for less-dominant women may be rooted in evolution, the researchers suggest.

:eyebrow: SOCIAL psychologists resorting to an EVOLUTIONARY explaination ?:confused:
tank girl said:
:eyebrow: SOCIAL psychologists resorting to an EVOLUTIONARY explaination ?:confused:
That isn't getting any eggs on mah dinner plate. Chop chop. Less giggle, more wiggle. A little marmite toast wouldn't hurt either.

*butt pat into the direction of the kitchen*
unclehobart said:
That isn't getting any eggs on mah dinner plate. Chop chop. Less giggle, more wiggle. A little marmite toast wouldn't hurt either.

*butt pat into the direction of the kitchen*
don't believe a damn minute of it folks. who makes the morning coffee? he does? who makes dinner have the time? he does. who changes more diapers? he does.
Gonz said:
Strong women need not be dominating.


I know plenty of strong women who will amaze you with their civility and charm....

....and plenty of women who believe that having intelligence equates to being overly assertive of their feminine charms and scaring every man into submission.

Guys like smart women who can stand by them, not ones who correct their faulty logic or speech at every step.
sometimes i make the decision. sometimes i could easily go with the flow. being strong doesn't mean always having your way it means always respecting your self as well as those you love.
samcurry said:
and dominating women require whips and chains. :devil:
Damned straight.

tank girl said:
SOCIAL psychologists resorting to an EVOLUTIONARY explaination ?

Okay, now I'm confused. Is there something I've missed that makes the social sciences preclude an understanding and acceptance of evolution as a contributing factor???