Mexican city makes it illegal for people to get naked in their own homes


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MEXICO CITY (AP) - Alarmed by glimpses of sweaty citizens in the buff, the city council in the southeastern Mexican city Villahermosa has adopted a law banning citizens from allowing themselves to be seen nude by the public, even while in their own homes, officials confirmed Wednesday.

The regulation, which takes effect Jan. 1, 2005, calls for as much as 36 hours in jail or a fine woth the equivalent of $150 Cdn for offenders in the Tabasco state capital, 655 kilometres east of Mexico City.

"We are talking about zero tolerance...for a lack of morality," said city councilwoman Blanca Estela Pulido of the Institutional Revolutionary party, which governs the state and city.

Opposition party councilman Rodrigo Sanchez said in an interview the measure, part of a larger series of prohibitions, "tramples on the rights of the citizens by taking laughable measures such as contemplating penalties for citizens who walk around nude inside their houses."

"I have no idea how you detect the naked. You'd have to have a big operation to try to bring it under control," he added.

The law does not actually ban citizens from being nude in their homes but from "displaying themselves nude intentionally in public and private areas or inside the home, in the latter instances when it is in a way that is obvious to the public or to adjacent homes."

Pulido said she is confident citizens who catch a glimpse of offenders will report them to police - although the law also threatens jail for peeping Toms.

The city on the southern Gulf of Mexico is noted for its swelteringly hot, humid climate.

"The majority of houses have a lot of ventilation and we give ourselves the luxury of going naked," Pulido said.

"Because we walk past the windows, you see a lot of things."
The culture of all the south of the country is a piece of crap, it doesn't surprise me.
Here's something to think about. In the areas I've lived, there was a law against peeking in windows. They called the crime voyeurism. Is that illegal in Mexico, too? Because if they enforce the nudity law, they'd have to enforce the voyeurism law as well. Talk about doubling your fine for just one crime. :tardbang:
Gato_Solo said:
Here's something to think about. In the areas I've lived, there was a law against peeking in windows. They called the crime voyeurism. Is that illegal in Mexico, too? Because if they enforce the nudity law, they'd have to enforce the voyeurism law as well. Talk about doubling your fine for just one crime. :tardbang:

I really don't know, but on the personal warranties (rights?), the constitution specifies that you should not be bothered by any authority at your home, except with an order.

So that kinda stops the police from investigating.
I can see it now...

"Officer! That lady is walking around naked with her blinds up again."

"Oh yeah? Which window?"

"Third floor...the one with the 19 year-old tetona!"

"I'll have to check this out..."

1 hour later...

"Well...I had a long, hard, conversation with her, and she won't be doing that again, soon. She was ticketed and fine as hell...err...fined as well. :blush:"

"Thank you officer." (Turning to walk away)

"Not so fast. I have a complaint about you."


"Yes. Something about being a 'peeping Tom'..."

And in case they need to present a case against anybody, they will need pictures, big problem there.
Luis G said:
And in case they need to present a case against anybody, they will need pictures, big problem there.

Depends upon the photographer, the angle, and the shape of the subject...;)