michele bachman - now just a liar


"Michele Bachmann: The darling of the Tea Party was virtually non-existent in Thursday's debate. And when she did get her time in the limelight, she notably gave a non-sensical answer and a whopper. Asked what the ideal tax rate should be, she said Americans should not have to pay any taxes. But then she added that the government had to collect something, without saying how much. Asked about her claim that HPV causes retardation among young women, Bachmann incredulously claimed she never made the charge. "I didn't make that claim nor did I make that statement," she said when moderator Chris Wallace asked if she stood by a quotation he read verbatim to her."

what an idiot. millions of people saw her comments about "mental retardation."

she's turning out to be as much of a scumbag as perry. maybe the two of them could get together as a ticket and try to out-scum palin. nahhhh. not possible.
and then took on her own voice and condemned something she knew nothing about in a pathetic attempt to gain additional notoriety. she's an easily-panicked moron.