Migraine headaches


New Member
Anybody else here get 'em?

I woke up Saturday with one. Went to the medicine cabinet for the cure, but there were none left. Entire weekend was spent in misery.

The only thing that works for me is Zomig. God bless the inventors of this wonderful provider of relief.
I used to get them - 'twas horrible. I'd get dizzy spells and nauseous, my nose would start bleeding and I basically couldn't get out of bed for at least two days.

It used to be especially bad in summer, I suppose due to the extreme heat, and also when I had my period (so the combined effect of the migraine and period cramps made me a rather miserable person).

I used something called Imigran for it, found that helped a lot. Nowadays I rarely get them - don't know if it's due to a change in diet, or because of the 'relaxation training' or what - all I know is I'm glad the buggers are gone.
i used to get them back in 95. i think it was because i was trying to wear contact lenses. horrible pain. had one in particular that lasted for 2 weeks, even after i took the lenses out. i was in the navy then and they don't believe in treating the problem with the correct medication so they put me on a percocet cocktail for about a months time....not that i cared. well...i was in pain but i didn't give a fuck. i guess thats why i don't like pills now. between that and the constant supply of vicotine my OB had me on while trying to carry my two year old, i just don't take them. in fact i have 3 year old vicotine in the medicine cabinet now. :swing:
I take 600mg of Ibuprofen, and load up on caffeine.

Turn off the lights, close my eyes, and think about somthing fun like sex.

When I wake up...they are gone.

The worst part is the patches of flashing lights I get that cause me to have blind spots just before the head ache starts. The disturbance causes me to want to throw up if I dont get to a dark room and close my eyes fast.

If the throwing up happens, the headache seems to be way worse and longer.
I get them on occasion. My head pounds, I become sensitive to light and noise, I feel like I am going to throw up. I want to be left alone in a dark, quiet room where I can fall alseep.

I know when a migrane is oncoming. Before any pain sets in, half of my vision in my left eye turns a pale shade of green. It's like a pale green blob takes over 25% of my vision. If I take some Advil and drink a Dr. Pepper, the migrane can be circumvented about 50% of the time.

Good Bye, Blue Monday!

rrfield said:
I get them on occasion. My head pounds, I become sensitive to light and noise, I feel like I am going to throw up. I want to be left alone in a dark, quiet room where I can fall alseep.

I get this a helluva lot.........nearly every Saturday and Sunday morning in fact :eh:
bleach said:
I get this a helluva lot.........nearly every Saturday and Sunday morning in fact :eh:

Come to think of it, my migranes are an awful lot like a hang over. I've only had 1 hang over, but it felt close to the same.

AlphaTroll said:
Doctor K says that's a hangover mate.......ye can pay me later for my expert diagnosis

Hangover eh? I thought it was stress related........I was only drinking to relieve the stress..........honest;)
bleach said:
Hangover eh? I thought it was stress related........I was only drinking to relieve the stress..........honest;)

Oh, I never said hangovers aren't stress related. I often get them when I start stressing about whether or not there's still some drink left in this world
Sharky said:
Anybody else here get 'em?

I woke up Saturday with one. Went to the medicine cabinet for the cure, but there were none left. Entire weekend was spent in misery.

The only thing that works for me is Zomig. God bless the inventors of this wonderful provider of relief.

Zomig (25mg) and Lortab+ (650mg acetaminaphin, 10mg hydracodine) do it for me.
those who never had a REAL migrane don't know how god awfull they are. if I have to leave work because I know one is comming, I get the "can't you just take some asprine and keep working"? from the boss.... :confused: I bet that asshole never had one!!!
I was diagnosed a few months ago with migraines, though mine don't fit what most people describe. With mine, my right foot goes numb, which moves up my leg, into my hip, to my arm, and finally up into my face - where I then can't talk without sounding like someone who should be in the special olympics. My vision goes all kaleidoscopic and I start confusing my words (or not being able to get the words out at all) for about an hour. The first time it happened I just knew I was having some sort of stroke. The migraine that follows has never been just horrible, I can usually handle it with bedrest and an 800mg Ibuprofen - but everything that comes before is extremely scary! :crying3:
I used to... started when I was about 13/14 but seem to have stopped now.

Apparently there are 2 sorts the early onset like mine, which usually passes in the 40s and late onset which your're stuck with for life.

The worst I've been was when I was 17 and had to take two weeks off work. I was taken ill at work... flashing lights, funny smell, nausea, tunnel effect, aversion to light, crushing one-sided headache which nothing came near to relieving... had to be taken home by the boss. Went to work 1 week later... same thing happened.

Fortunately, although my headaches were bad, they were never that bad again. I used to take migraleve for it... 2 pink and 2 yellow tablets... I can't remember which were first though. It helped to relieve the headache but completely knocked me out for about 12 - 24 hours.

I can't take ibuprofen because of my asthma. If I need painkillers it's paracetimol (tylonol) , co-proximol (codiene based), or df118 depending on the severity of the pain.
Spot said:
have you seen a neurologist?

Yep. I've had migraines since childhood. My parents took me to all kinds of specialists, they gave me CAT scans, EEGs, MRIs, and prescribed all different sorts of stuff. Nothing worked, and the tests didn't find anything out of the ordinary. It wasn't until only a couple of years ago when I casually mentioned to my current doctor that I got migraines that he told me about all of the new medicines available these days. He gave me a scrip for Zomig and told me to try it next time it happened. That stuff works like a charm. When you get the precursors of a migraine (such as dizziness, flashing lights on the periphery of your vision, nausea, etc.) you take one and the symptoms disappear in 15-20 minutes. Even if you develop a full-blown migraine it will go away within a half hour or so, without leaving you feeling drowsy or doped up.

Any of you who suffer from migraines, ask your doctor about the new medications that are available. They might save you a lot of misery.