Milking the system?


Southern Discomfort
Tough call

Like every other gubmint program, there are those unfairly benefitting from this, and there are those who need it but are denied access. The last paragraph tends to make me wonder which way this is leaning. Not having visited the area, I cannot offer anything definitive either way, just useless speculation.
IMO, the last part tells the story...

Monday will mark the second wave of evacuees losing FEMA financing of their hotel rooms. Last week, the occupants of roughly 4,500 rooms lost FEMA funding for failing to register with the agency.

In Louisiana, officials offered shelters to those leaving the hotels, but according to FEMA, only one family needed sheltering.
After 6 months...get a haircut & get a job. Hell, after 60 days. This was supposed to be temporary assistance.
Gonz said:
After 6 months...get a haircut & get a job. Hell, after 60 days. This was supposed to be temporary assistance.
You forgot "and stop living in a fucking hole in the ground."
They can live under sea level if they wish...let's just teach them the constructiuon method using stilts