Missouri Joke Beware


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
These two guys are driving down a gravel road, looking for a new place to go hunting when they spot the perfect field, trees to one side, with a beautiful buck grazing right in the middle of the field.

So, they go up to the farmhouse down the road and decide they better ask the farmer if they can hunt on his land. One of them goes up to the door and when the old farmer comes out, asks "We're from Gasconade County, and we saw your field down the road a bit, and would love to hunt there, if it's alright with you"

The farmer looks at him and says "Well, I think that would be alright, but I tell you what. I've got an old horse around that back of that there barn that is getting up in age bad, and I've had that horse for damn near 18 years now. I just don't have the heart to put her out of her misery. I'll let you hunt on my land, if you'll go back and put that horse down for me."

The hunter says "I can do that for you Mister", and starts to walk away.

The farmer calls out "Hold on just a second. I forgot to warn you, I've got a couple dogs around here too. Be real careful of the dogs, after my wife passed a couple years back, they are about all that I have left."

The hunter tells him, "Sure, we'll watch out for them", and starts walking back down to the truck. On his way to the truck the guy starts thinking. I'm gonna mess with my buddy a little. When he gets to the truck, he flings open the door, grabs his rifle off the gun rack, and says "That old son of a bitch won't let us hunt on his land. I'm going to go back up there and kill his damn horse", And starts running off behind the barn. When he gets behind the barn, he lines up his shot, and BANG! one shot right between the eyes, and the horse drops. Then he hears BANG! BANG! "What the fuck?" and starts to run back to the truck, where his buddy is getting back in. "What the hell was that?"

His buddy smiles and says "I got his dogs too!"