Mistreatment of American Soldiers


molṑn labé
Staff member
This is a shame.

Sgt. Michael J. Smith-Guilty
Reduction of rank to private, forfeiture of some pay, six months in a military prison, a bad-conduct discharge.

For allowing a dog to bark at a prisoner. Had these idiot journalists been present at Normandy we'd have lost. Why, after the teachings of Vietnam, do we still allow these morons to interact with our troops? POLITICS STOPS AT THE WATERS EDGE.

I will say that Muslims from many countries, as a general people, suffer from abject terror when faced with a dog. Even adorable widdle puppies like Tonksy's av. I'm not aware of the rhyme or reason, but it's true. Cultural? dunno. Religious? From what I've seen in the past, I would agree with the tool of terror thing as described by the prosecutor.

I guess it depends how far interrogations are supposed to be allowed to go? Is terrifying torture? Could be. This seems an extreme punishment though. People have done far worse and received way less.
I was looking for Muslims fear dogs and came across
U.S. personnel have also used dogs as part of the interrogation process, which—in addition to inducing fear—many Muslims consider to be unclean. In December 2002, Secretary Rumsfeld approved “using detainees’ individual phobias (such as fear of dogs) to induce stress” at Guantánamo. Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, then the top U.S. commander in Iraq, authorized Abu Ghraib interrogators in September 2003 to “exploit Arab fear of dogs. ” The interrogators then used dogs on detainees in a manner that was captured in the Abu Ghraib photographs.
The guy shouldn't have been be charged. I'm having a hard time comprehending why he was charged, unless he went well beyond and the article isn't saying that. It appears to be a legitimate (according to that military, anyway) action. wtf?

I think it's wrong to do it (use the dogs I mean), but I'm sappy that way.

So someone afraid of spiders can file against cops if there's a cobweb in the interrogation room? Or someone afraid of heights can't be given an office near a window in a tower?

Fucking idiots.
Odd. I'm pretty sure most people are afraid of getting sent to prison. So, by this logic the police can no longer threaten that either. I've always thought the intent of interrogation was to instill fear in the subject. Guess we're supposed to just make them comfy and hope they tell us all we need to know.
1. Muslims are not, as a general population, afraid of dogs.
2. Muslims do consider dogs unclean, but own them as pets. They just have certain times where they must go through a ritual in order to remove said 'uncleanliness' before they go to their respective Mosque.
3. This does not address true mistreatment, which involved hurled feces, being spat upon, etc, that some guards go through on a daily basis, only to have the press jump upon this silliness, and accuse the guards who have said injustice done to them.