Mitnick going back online


Well-Known Member
SAN FRANCISCO, (Reuters) -- One of the world's most famous computer hackers gets off probation this week and plans to dive back into the Internet, his former playground where breaking-and-entering landed him in jail for five years.

On Tuesday, 39-year-old Kevin Mitnick will log on to the Internet for the first time in eight years, during the live TechTV show "Screen Savers." Also scheduled to be on the program are Shawn Fanning, creator of Internet music downloading pioneer Napster, and Steve Wozniak, a co-founder of Apple Computer Inc.

Mitnick says he is ready to go to work, ironically, in a position where he will be helping protect companies against the kind of hacking he used to do. He has a job interview scheduled for Monday, but declines to name the company.

"What's going to be a struggle is convincing people in the security space that a lot of what was written about me is not true, and what is true, I'm sorry about," he told Reuters in an interview on Saturday. "I paid my debt to society and I'm trying to do a positive thing. I can't change the past."
he will log onto the internet for the first time in eight years? poor bastards might have some learning to do :D :D
He'll probably be disapointed to find that his unique nickname is in use by a million script kiddies(HackerX).:D
We'll see if he tries the old hotmail hack trick.

Step 1.

First, you must already own a Hotmail account. To get one go to Then login to your account and create a new message with the Subject as "chng_psswrd" (without the inverted commas).

Step 2.

In the body of the message type the following code, as it appears below, making all necessary changes:

<44FF-Server_018::pass+?><Victim's hotmail address omitting ''>
<><*Your* hotmail address omitting ''>
Newpass+!=<*Your* Password for *your* hotmail address>

Include all the above <>'s and only make changes to the things in italic.
You must use YOUR password to change it, otherwise it won't work (see below). It will only change the password if your hotmail address and the password given in the message tally.

Step 3.

Now send the above to [email protected]. (There is an underscore [ _ ] between the server and the 018! Don't forget it, otherwise you'll get a bounced message.)

Step 4.

You're finished! It should take ±20 mins for the server to respond. It only works if your Hotmail account and password tally, if they don't then [email protected] automatically forwards the full message to [email protected]. If they realise what's going on they'll probably delete your account immediately. So don't make *any* mistakes! There you have it! You've hacked into Hotmail, and cracked someone's password! Now you can login to their account!

yeah, what's worse is that the net is flooded of stuff like that, and people actually believes it :rofl3:

I might open an account on geocities describing the procedure to hack ANY email account :elaugh4:
Social engineering is so much more fun than hacking/cracking tough.:D A great one is to get an account that says something like

[email protected]

Then email the person directly with an email that states that all email addresses that aren't used within such and such a time will be deleted.
And to please repond to this Email with your
old password
new password