mitt is worth about $270 million


that will help me vote for him. at least there's evidence that he's figured something out.

you boys don't mind a little capitalism do ya?
whaddaya mean you don't want Osama reelected?
If Obama-lite (Romney) gets in there, the Republicans
will be blamed for all of his failures I think the Dems
shold be made to own up to the high crimes & misdemeanors
rather than getting to hang it around the neck of Mitt.

We won't get fooled again no no

I don't mind Mitt's capitalism venture or his money.

It's the other things that I don't trust him on.
He's just as 'power mad' as Obama.
in a way she's right.

president romney will be accountable to those that elected him.

and it won't be the teafaggers.
whaddaya mean you don't want Osama reelected?
If Obama-lite (Romney) gets in there, the Republicans
will be blamed for all of his failures I think the Dems
shold be made to own up to the high crimes & misdemeanors
rather than getting to hang it around the neck of Mitt.

We won't get fooled again no no


right. it's never your fault.

can't imagine hearing a liberal rationalize it better.

and tell me again how I am in any way
responsible for who the establishment
Republicans run as the party's nominee?
it's easy. you support candidates that are fucking morons. you've elevated "the one who should loyalty oaths loudest" to the pinnacle of visibility in the R party. they are later marginalized by more sane and sober voters, so you end up with fence-riders like mitt. not everyone has their head in the comic books.

palin on the ticket lost the election for you last time. wake up. support candidates that would not get stuck in a lobster trap.

if there were a true economic conservative that was not a dumbass - and arrived at their economic views through thoughtful reflection and not just because macho daddy said that's the way things are - i would vote for them without hesitation.
don't worry you will never EVER
get to vote for such a candidate
the establishment not me will see to that
right. registered republicans have no impact on the candidate selection process. :retard:

way to throw your arms up and surrender. your permanent visa for france is now approved.
ah yes. there are cheese-eaters on both sides. it's the cheese raters that you have to watch out for. think i'll go carve off a chunk of raspberry bellavitano. this particular sample is lacking a bit in crystallization. a bit young for my taste. but it's okay...
what's your middle initial? i wanna make sure i get it right when i do the write-in candidate thing.