mmmmm ... hot cocoa


New Member
(HealthDayNews) -- That cup of hot cocoa may do more than just warm your body and spirit after you spend an evening skating on the pond. It may actually offer you some health benefits.

The researchers found that, on a per-serving basis, the antioxidant concentration in cocoa was almost two times stronger than in red wine, two to three times stronger than in green tea, and four to five times stronger than in black tea.

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HUSH WOMAN!! Don't let 'em find out the best part & ruin the whole study.
CydCharisse said:
I love hot I have even more reason to drink it
Isn't that the truth? Hot cocoa is so great on cold days where you are able to curl up on the couch in your PJ's and read or watch a movie.... Bring on the healthy fun!:grinyes: