
There were kids in the supermarket selling them and I didn't buy them because I figured my niece would have some for me... She didn't do the GS this year. :grumpy:

Now I gotta find the overstock somewhere and raid it... Thin Mints, Tagalongs, and the coconut ones I can never remember the name of.
Tagalongs...drooooollllll...gotta remember to take a check to work tomorrow. Hopefully, they'll be in.
I'm mad they got rid of the brown and white ones. I don't like any of the kinds they have now.:(
greenfreak said:
Brown and white ones? What were those?
They were like oreos....only BETTER. They had chocolate cookies with white filling on one side of the box and vanilla cookies with white filling on the other. I dunno when they quit making those, but they were my favorites :crying3:
OOooh yes, Samoas!! Those are really hard to stop eating, it's so easy to go through a box in a snap. Why can't you have them anymore?

Q, I never knew about those cookies. I guess they weren't that popular, they usually introduce something new each year, right?

Eh, I shouldn't be eating them anyway.
Just don't need to be eating stuff like that, gotta watch the weight. I was borderline diabetic two years ago. I was told to stay away from sweets and any food that was white like rice, potatoes, bread. Fortunatly I've never had a sweet tooth anyway......but I love anything with coconut, which is really bad for you.
Anything white?? I've never heard that before. Coconut is really bad, huh? I guess that's why I like it so much. Unlike you, I have a big time sweet tooth, I get really bad sometimes.