mmmwah! :-* kissing booth

tank girl

New Member

btw this "booth" is for everyone not just for me :blush: (though, contributions directed my way are graciously accepted ;))

yup, just one big merry kissing orgy (or something :shrug: )

why? cos smooches are special this time of year.
(No, actually - any time of year.)
extra-special this time of year.

The difference is of course, that we have MISLETOE!!!

tank girl said:
btw this "booth" is for everyone not just for me :blush: (though, contributions directed my way are graciously accepted ;))

yup, just one big merry kissing orgy (or something :shrug: )

why? cos smooches are special this time of year.
(No, actually - any time of year.)
extra-special this time of year.

The difference is of course, that we have MISLETOE!!!


My slurp of for the general populous or anyone who happens to get in my way. I'm not peticular since i get all i really need at home.
Wait... Who are we supposed to be kissing? :hmm:

/me waits patiently and whiles away the time by scoping out the pants**

**figures it prolly wouldn't be a good idea to nick peep's pants when kissing's involved;)