

New Member
anyone currently playing one of these and can recommend it? I'm thinking about picking one up but don't know which new ones are any good. used to play uo.. that was the best. thinking about waiting for SWG or maybe getting AC2 or Earth and beyond now. suggestions? experiences?
made a personal bet that someone would ask that question :D

mmorpg = mass multiplayer online rpg.. like Every Quest, sure you've heard of that.
Well, at this point Everquest is the best. I've tried UO, AO, AC, DAoC, and Everquest beats them all. I have quit Everquest about 4 months ago though, and I don't intend to start up another MMORPG. They require too much time... Time I'd rather spend with friends and doing things in real life. Things that I can look back on later in life and laugh at. While MMORPGs are nice, I personally don't want to put that much time into it :)