Mohhamed Sheike whashisname


molṑn labé
Staff member
Unsure where this started but there's lots of talk about how we should/are interrogating this guy. Talk of sodium pe..., err, truth serum & possibly torture. What bothers me is the amount of people saying it's okay. "They'd do it to us" type of mentality.

I say no friggin way. He is a vile scum who wishes death on the infidels, especially the American infidels, & has no qualms with causing us pain, grief & suffering. We, however, should be above & beyond that. If for no other reason, thatn it would be allowed on our guys. (not my reaonning)...

whatcha think?
Thats why he isn't in the US while this is going on. It gives us 'plausible deniability'. I agree with you, Gonz. It sets a precedent for what our own can expect when captured... I don't like it. But you have previously leaned toward the 'lesser of 2 evils' approach to such things. We could get info that would save thousands, maybe millions...Why have you abandoned that stand here?
Because it sets precedence.

There's a whole lot of difference between attacking a country (ies?) that has a history of agression & practices ethnic cleansing & paleolithic governemental jack-booted tactics vs getting info from one guy. Once he was known to have been captured, you know damned well that the codes & plans were changed & modified. His info, while somewhat helpful, is outdated already. This is my paradox-crushing the whole is less distubing than cruching the singular.
It's easily explained if not understood. This guy has a name now, and a face. It makes it somehow more real to torture or kill this guy than it is to bomb and kill countless, nameless people in the name of war.
I just have to ask. Is anyone here gullible enough to believe that the CIA hasn't been doing this, and will continue doing this?

The suggestion that torture and chemical interrogation is something new is laughable. And any thought that it wouldn't be used in this case shows just how brainwashed some people can be.
I always wondered why they didn't just vaporize people like him...then say :shrug: we don't know what happened to him.
that comes after we "interogate" him

Professur said:
Is anyone here gullible enough to believe that the CIA hasn't been doing this, and will continue doing this?

Well, I can have dream the US is above reproach can't I? After all, we are the good guys.

We had several great fights going last night & then, BAM, the board broke :(
Q said:
I always wondered why they didn't just vaporize people like him...then say :shrug: we don't know what happened to him.
Its a calculated public ploy to show our enemies 'look who we caught!'. It makes his friends all paranoid in thinking .. oh hell.. what does he know... whats he going to give up. We need to move EVERYTHING now just to be safe again. Such moves usually get noticed and lead to more captures.