Mom, you're a goof


Staff member
I just caught myself in a debate with my kids. They were telling me that having the waist of your underwear showing above your pants is illegal, and fineable here in our town.

I was arguing right back with it's not! that was some town in the States!

and then I thought, wtf am I doing? If they think it's illegal and are covering up, why am I stopping them? :tardbang:
You should let them know that they also just passed a talk-back ordinance too, punishible by swift and immediate death.
*smacks forehead*

If Alex thought it was illegal here, I would let her belive it. SHe is very into the "fashinable popular" clothes and I really hope that she will skip the underwear fad.
HomeLAN said:
You know, you could just tell her that it's not going to be acceptable.

If I remember correctly Alex lives with her dad...if he lets her do it the Lissa doesn't have much leverage...she can not allow it when Alex is with her...but there's still everyday at school and everythign else.
How the hell did it happen that I (ME!!) raised up boys who like burning ants with magnifying glasses?

Leslie said:
How the hell did it happen that I (ME!!) raised up boys who like burning ants with magnifying glasses?

Oh good, they've learned to hide the email :D
Leslie said:
How the hell did it happen that I (ME!!) raised up boys who like burning ants with magnifying glasses?


Every kid does that. Well...I did, anyway. :p
I didn't :p I made little happy homes for them :lloyd:

S'ok, I fixed it. They're in the driveway now burning happy face holes in leaves.
We got some good art out of that in the end. They made little hearts on some as gifts for me and all.
I used to melt old crayons on a bit of wood, and watch the colours mix. Then drop live ants into the boiling wax.