Monkey Boy


molṑn labé
Staff member
There's a story here but who cares...look at what this fool did to himself

After the 20 some odd sugeries his face has to be as thin as paper.. what a psyche analysts wet dream he is. Hes the Howard Hughes of our generation.
That's what I was thinking. I bet he wishes now he'd just left it alone. I heard once that he did most of these surgeries because of a skin condition, anyone know if that's true?
Please tell me his nose is photoshopped. It doesn't even look smooth, it looks like one of those casts you use for clay pots. :eek:
He claimed in his interview with Barbara Walters that he has a skin condition that causes his skin to be splotchy, but that was his reason for changing his skin color, not the reason for the facial surgery. He didn't say so, but other people have said that it's Diana Ross he's attempting to look like. I had never heard that he was trying to look like Liz. I guess either way it's pretty deranged.

Greenfreak: The nose does look photoshopped. I don't know what else would cause it to look like that. Of course, his entire face looks photoshopped even when it's not. :rolleyes:
PuterTutor said:
That's what I was thinking. I bet he wishes now he'd just left it alone. I heard once that he did most of these surgeries because of a skin condition, anyone know if that's true?

The 'skin condition' he has is not all that uncommon in the negro population. However, niether of his parents or siblings have it, so my guess is, and it's an educated guess...that he's in a serious state of denial. That condition just doesn't appear overnight, either. It's slow, and completely painless. It starts appearing on the ears, nose, lips, fingers, or toes, and spreads from there. Basically it's just a loss of melanin.
Loss of melanin wouldnt require that he get his nose hacked back like 4 times and his lips vaccumed 100% out. ... so sad.
unclehobart said:
Loss of melanin wouldnt require that he get his nose hacked back like 4 times and his lips vaccumed 100% out. ... so sad.

That's what I was getting at too, in a round-about sort of way. He's not sick...just crazy.
I so want to reach into that pic and snatch that little piece of skin off the tip of his nose. I wonder if hes just gone under the knife for the 30th time and he just hasnt healed yet. Its almost as if hes trying to achieve a burn scars look in an art deco roundabout fashion.
Gato_Solo said:
That's what I was getting at too, in a round-about sort of way. He's not sick...just crazy.

Make "sick" ill & you've got a deal.

A Photographic History of Michael Jackson's Face With blithering, yet witty commentary