Monster under the bed!


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Latest Item On eBay: The Monster Under The Bed
Bidders Asked To Remove Monster From Girl's Room

PHILADELPHIA -- One of the duties of a parent is to make sure the monster under their child's bed is held at bay -- even when the monster exists solely in that child's imagination.

eBay Listing: My Daughters Monster, Please Take Him Away

One local parent had a high-tech solution to the problem -- she has put the monster up for auction on eBay.

Kathleen Tait had her daughter draw the monster under her bed and is selling the image on the online auction site, NBC 10 News reported. Tait's daughter said the monster would make her room a mess. Kathleen Tait said the whole thing began months ago, when her daughter would wake up, afraid that the monster would get her and her toys.

"To this day, I sleep with her," Tait said. "I lay down with her until she falls asleep."

Tait tried several ways to bait the monster, including peanut butter and jelly. Then, she hit upon eBay.

Those who bid on the monster are asked to take it out of Tait's daughter's room. It is hoped that by selling the monster, it will be gone for good. There are five days left on the auction, and the bidding early Tuesday evening was $2.25.

"People can sell pretzels, so why not a monster?" Tait said.

I've always wondered why more parents don't auction off the garden hose the monster uses to soak the kid's mattress at night.