More crappy economy news


molṑn labé
Staff member
If we (they, the media) keep talking about how bad it is, eventually it'll get shitty. Right now we've 95%+ (right where it was for Clintons re-election cycle) employment, the Dow is over 10000 & this little ditty

More than 68 percent of Americans own their own homes, and that record high

Not everybody reads the NY Times "lets put a Dem in charge" section :p
Nice Gonz, 95% emplyment rate...nice spin, you eternal optimist :)

from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics...

Average Unemployment Rates

1988 5.5

1989 5.3
1990 5.6
1991 6.8
1992 7.5

1993 6.9
1994 6.1
1995 5.6
1996 5.4
1997 4.9
1998 4.5
1999 4.2
2000 4.0

2001 4.7
2002 5.8
2003 6.0

So...Under Bush I, the unemployment rate went up every year. Under Clinton, it went down, every year. Under Bush II, it has gone up, every year.

That said, the rate has gone down, though there was no change in Feb04.

What the hell does it take to make you see reality? :alienhuh:

take a look at rr's UE numbers. Do they jive with what your mindless leader wants you to believe?
I saw his numbers. Did you take into account the "overexuberance" of the NASDAQ? The bubble burst & we're still sitting on economical full employment. Our economy is doing well & only those who wish to change the leadership refuse to admit it.
Um...Yeah. I considered it. Thats what I meant about REALITY. You just ignore it or use it as an excuse for things. Prices are rising steadily. our treasury is empty. The bogus tax breaks bleed any chance of a workable budget. The 'other shoe' is about to fall and you want to pretend all is well. It ain't. :shrug:
Prices rose steadily throughout the 90s'.

Our treasury has been empty for 50 years.

The tax breaks cut my liablity in half.

Keep panicking. It's okay, we'll take care of matters. We always have to eventually.
Who are you kidding? :rofl: The world has never seen spending the likes of Reagen, Bush I, and Bush II. Can't let you get away with spewing this drivel, Gonz. its YOU (Republicans) who are the big spenders and masters of deceipt...trickle down my ass... :devious:
Trickle down, aka the horse and sparrow. If you feed the horse enough oats, he will leave something in the road for the sparrow.
Yes Squiggy, Mr Bush is an overspender. Of course, what has he spent money on?

A war begun by the terrorists. He then expanded the federal government. SO much of teh money is going towards protection.

Add to that these Democrat specialties:

He joined up with Senator Edward Kennedy for the biggest expansion of federal spending on education in decades.

He agreed to a farm bill that had more pork in it than an all-you-can-eat North Carolina Super Bowl Buffet.

A prescription drug benefit under Medicare.

So, Dubya spends too much. We agree. Don't you dare tell me that Kerry would be any better. Not only would he spend as much he'd raise taxes. If he cut spending it would be in the one place we can't afford it. Security. YOu see what Clinton's slashing of Security got us don't you.

Reagan is excused - he won the cold war.

Bush I got fired.

None of it matters. Before you freak out, consider this-if we paid all of our debt back, today, who would get the money?
onew more thing, about-trickle down...I'm still waiting to get paid by a poor person.
Reagan is excused - he won the cold war.

Well, he was wandering around mindlessly in the presidency when the cold war ended due to the collapse of the soviet economy from overspending.
Add to that-

the the percentage of GDP (as of 10 minutes ago)of our debt is .681%, using numbers from the CIA Fact book
GDP:$10.45 trillion (2002 est.)

so it would be lower in real numbers

chcr said:
Well, he was wandering around mindlessly in the presidency when the cold war ended due to the collapse of the soviet economy from overspending.

So you're saying that George Lucas & the threat of his movie beat the USSR? :lol2:
I believe they disclaim it as "well known facts that intelligent people will never be aware of". Or something like that.