More double standard in action


Southern Discomfort
A devout high school student who painted an image that kinda sorta looks like a stairway to heaven had to change it after some folks complained about the religious imagery, reports the Napa Valley Register.

The student, who carried a Bible and has earned the nickname Pastor K., said he didn’t want to offend anyone and immediately changed the image on a painting outside the Napa High School art room.

Stairs previously leading to castle in the sky will now lead to a sunspot in the sky, and the castle will be moored to the ground instead of planted in clouds. "I don't want to cause anyone to get upset," said the student, Kyle Trudelle.

Some observant students wonder, however, why no one has complained about an nearby mural depicting the Virgin Mary. It was explained that that painting is about Hispanic heritage, so it’s okay.


I hope y'all are happy with the society you have fashioned. I ain't. That's why I have as little interaction with it as possible.

I have zero problem with a Hispanic student expressing his or her pride in Hispanic heritage. Hell, I applaud it. But this business of pushing anything that might possibly maybe have a 1% tentative hypothetical connection with Christianity into the closet in the name of offendedness is wrong. A few days ago, we were ready to martyr somebody for desecrating a Koran...and it wasn't even true. Had it been a Bible, no one would have batted an eye.

Just carry on with your little agendas, and count me out of it. I'll go down as a conscientious objector to the 21st Century I guess.
Piss in a jar, place a crucifix in it & WHOILA! it's art. Paint a picture of a Led Zeppelin song & it's religious?
It's the same basic point as discrimination against white males.....As long as it's against the supposed "majority" (which by the by, they aren't any more or soon won't be) then no one will bat an eye....However if you go against anything, even the second largest religion (whatever that may be) then you're being a horrible person......*sigh*