more dumbing down


Well-Known Member
Well this is one more step to insure public schooled kids are going
to be dumbed down even farther....

New curriculum could write off cursive
Fifty years ago, cursive writing was a crucial skill.

Letters to both friends and business associates were scrawled in cursive. Today, it's a dying art.

With the prevalence of computers and a focus on hitting math and reading standards, cursive has taken a back seat.

It isn't listed anywhere in the new curriculum standards Georgia teachers may start using next year.

Jody Spain, a third-grade teacher at Martin Technology Academy of Math and Science, said she has seen the practice slow over her 18-year career.

"When I started teaching, we did a letter a week in cursive and taught the strokes and how to form it," Spain said. "But in the last few years, it's something we introduce at the very end of the year."

It's indicative of a changing world, a change some say should be embraced.

"It's a totally different generation, and we need to prepare to teach where they're at," Martin Principal Tamara Etterling said. "There are positives to what is replacing it; using technology to collaborate and produce different types of products."

New Common Core Standards for English, which Georgia and 40 other states adopted last summer, don't include cursive, but teachers and administrators plan to start talking in February about whether to add cursive to the curriculum.

Georgia Department of Education spokesman Matt Cardoza said there's a lot of reference in the new standards to keyboarding skills and a student's ability to write papers of a certain length on a computer as the student progresses through the grades.

He added that the decision to add cursive writing next year is "open for discussion."
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to me the falling off of cursive writing isn't so much of a big deal. it's just one mode of representing language that happens to look nice using certain types of pens. we don't really use those pens anymore. we don't chisel stone tablets, either. there are much more substantial things to be concerned about with respect to loss of effective and precise language, and examples of such things abound in postings here.
I R knot educated
I cain't compose a grammatically correct sentence
but I show nuff cain spew idealogical bullshit
and that makes me teh internet suave!

All Kids need these days is teh keyboarding skillz
and a broadband internets conexión
I think simplicity and tradition in life worth keeping.

I enjoy reading handwritten letters. ....but then again, we bake our own bread.
Idiocacy ftw

and scratch sand paintings on the floor of your hut

Given my writing, I've taken to printing. Otherwise nobody can read it (including myself)
Gonzie help me out here?

I've read and re-read the durned thing and
I still can't see where the Constitution says
that the government has the right to tell
a private business it has to give cheap internet access
and 150 dollar computers to its customers.

Now since I'm not in an area that Comcast serves
should the government force my ISP to gimme free shit too?

It's all so confusing going down this slippery slope.
It's right here, silly
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish No Justice No Peace, Know Justice, Know Peace, medically insure everyone, provide for the common defence as long as it doesn't cost too much, provide Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America, a living document, as long as anyone cares.
Given my writing, I've taken to printing. Otherwise nobody can read it (including myself)

my 'writing' is ugly, but I can do it good.
Looks decent if I go slow. (I'm a lefty)
but, now..
know knows, there may be a market to hire people that can write in the future,
after a big emp.
Bah they made us write in cursive from 3rd grade on.

I am unable to print anything as I keep going back into cursive.

My handwriting is now and always has been fully legible.

These days, rare is the circumstance that I write anything down
save the rare signature.

good point jim but i wonder... they prolly don't chisel 'em in the conventional sense. prolly some sort of fancy machine that uses a high pressure stream of molydenite-scrotor fluid excited to a near plasma state.