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Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Remember that cat that was hanging around my apartment? Well, he never came back, but just yesterday, another cat showed up in the morning before I left for work. I was sitting in the chair, drinking my usual cup (big mug) of coffee and watching the weather channel, when my fiancee mentioned a cat coming inside. Just as she said it, the kitten touched his nose to my hand. He kind-of looks like a young 'Morris'. Anywho, I picked him up, and took him outside about 100 yards from my door, and placed him on a grassy-field. I got into my car and drove to work. I got a call about 10 minutes into my shift. My fiancee opened the door, and guess who ended up back in the apartment...Of course, she put him right back out.
Fast forward to last night. I come home from work, and right outside my door is 'Morris'. I picked him up, and took him to the other side of the fence that surrounds my building. I climbed over the chain links, looked back at him, and proceeded to my door. He beat me there. I still don't know how. I only lost sight of him for, maybe, 3 seconds. He was behind me. I swear it. Once more, I carried him off, and didn't hear from him for the rest of the night. This morning, however, I opened the door, and in came 'Morris'. I'll say one thing. He certainly is persistent... ;)

And no...I haven't fed the little begger.

you should rather throw some water over him.......taking him to take a bathe is not a good idea :D
Oh no, Gato, do it. Just get your fiancee there to take some pics while you do it. We want to see. :laugh5:
Oh shit i hope you're joking!! I did that to my cat once, or tried. Had a sink full of water and i lifted him up to set him in, well he was having none of that! As i stretched out my arms to put him in the sink he stretched out his paws in Terror and sunk his claws into my neck. I mean Deep! Damn that was a stupid thing to do!!
I'm serious as a heart-attack. I'm also prepared. Thick leather gloves...and the kitten is only about 2 months. If I get clawed it's because I let myself get clawed. ;)
As long as you atleast think you know what you're doing. lol. May god have mercy on both you and that poor cat.
2 months?, those don't complain.

They start to not like water after one year.
Some cats actually like water. Other cats are demons. You can usually tell at the outset.
My older cat doesn't even like getting water into her mouth unless she's drinking. Let alone getting any on the rest of her body. Since she has no front claws, she raises up and grabs your hand, has a surprisingly firm grip, and starts scratching at you with her back claws. She'll usually get in 3 or 4 swipes before you even realize that she's scratching you :eek:

The young one not only doesn't care, she jumps in the water FOR ya. :hairbng2:
I think cats know when they come across someone who is allergic to them. Then they don't leave them alone.

Why not just get a dog with an appetite? That'll keep the cats away. :D
My fiancee and I both are allergic to cats...which is why I was contemplating bathing him. Besides pets allowed in my apartment complex.
unless the cat is stupid, is almost impossible to hit one with a car.
Unless it's dark and they're young and don't know they could get hurt. My cousin's last cat died from getting its head hit by a moving tire. She was such a sweet cat too. :crying3: