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Out-freaking-standing OTC member
The head teacher of Johnstown Primary School in Carmarthen, Wales, ordered in February that there be no Mother's Day cards in school this year because it might be upsetting to students without a mother. [Daily Mail (London), 2-7-07]

Also in February, a government-funded advisory report to Britain's National Health Service recommended that medical staffs not use the terms "mum" and "dad" (and use "guardians" or "carers"), especially since the terms might be confusing or alienating to children of gay couples. [The Sun (London), 2-19-07]

I'm not making this up...
I used to try to figure out where I could move to that was isolated enough to not have to put up with this nonsense.

I'm now off-planet.
We don't make mothers day or fathers day cards over here any more either. It's 'cause of all of 'em retched single parents.

Also, we generally refer to "the grown ups at home" when talking to kids as a group, or to a kid we don't personally know (from another class). A bit of a bummer if you say "You need to ask your mom to [whatever]" and the reply is "Mom's dead."
Mom's dead is a natural occurance that has no limitation.

Mom's sharing a bed with Aunt Betty is a little harder to explain.
Yep. Kids always prefer being different & having to explain things that are unusual.
Frankly, I'd quite rather my parents were dead than gay. After all, if they were truely gay, I wouldn't exist in the first place, would I?
You forget, kids, while tough & resilient, are super sensitive to differences.