More fun quotes


molṑn labé
Staff member
"If Saddam Hussein fails to comply and we fail to act or we take some ambiguous third route, which gives him yet more opportunities to develop his program of weapons of mass destruction and continue to press for the release of sanctions and ignore the commitments he's made? Well, he will conclude that the international community's lost its will. He will then conclude that he can go right on doing more to build an arsenal of devastating destruction. If we fail to respond today, Saddam and all those who would follow in his footsteps will be emboldened tomorrow. The stakes could not be higher. Some way, someday, I guarantee you he'll use the arsenal."

President Bill Clinton 1998
"We are praying you will stick to your resolve to liberate our country from a dictatorial tyranny over 30 years which has caused the deaths of nearly 2 million men and women, sons and daughters."
-Letter to UK Prime Minister Tony Blair from Iraqi Exiles
"The Iraqi regime and its weapons of mass destruction represent a clear threat to world security. This danger has been explicitly recognized by the U.N."
-Letter by Eight European leaders in support of the United States
“In 1991 Saddam killed 500,000 people when they rose against him. Nobody demonstrated against him then. But now the United States wants to get rid of the dictator, people are demonstrating against it.”
one of the Iraqi liberation soldiers the U.S. is training at "Camp Freedom" in Hungary
“I am surprised to hear of all the anti-war demonstrations in the West. I wish that the demonstrators could spend just 24 hours in the place I have come from and see the reality of Iraq. Fourteen lost years of my life. Nothing but bread for food — darkness, filth, beatings, torture, killings, bitterness and humiliation.”
-Rafat Abdulmajeed Muhammad, jailed for selling a roll of film to an British journalist
"Iraq under Saddam’s regime has become a land of hopelessness, sadness, and fear. A country where people are ethnically cleansed; prisoners are tortured in more than 300 prisons in Iraq. Rape is systematic . . . congenital malformation, birth defects, infertility, cancer, and various disorders are the results of Saddam’s gassing of his own people. . . the killing and torturing of husbands in front of their wives and children . . . Iraq under Saddam has become a hell and a museum of crimes."
–Iraqi Safia Al Souhail, Advocacy Director of the International Alliance for Justice

ok, I'm done for now
I don't think anyone would ever question that SH is about as shitty as a person gets...and his entire regime as well...

...but , you know....the whole region is under the yolk of repression, whether it be Islamic fundamentalism, or just more or less secular petty dictator crap as in Iraq.

our great "ally"(snicker)...Saudi Arabia has been identified as containing one of the most repressive regimes in the region, yet because we "need" them this country objected to that determination and had them removed from the list.

This fact is in the current issue of Time magazine...I have it someplace and I'll properly cite it asap...

But the point is that the region is a shithole....all of it......

we have few, if any, friends in the Middle East...
