More holiday cheer


Southern Discomfort
Cookie Croc

A couple of grinches have written the Akron Beacon-Journal to complain about that paper’s use of the phrase “Christmas cookies” in the headline of an article about yuletime recipes.

One of them, reader Eileen Schonfeld, suggested the label ``Holiday Cookies'' would have been more inclusive. ``Instead of the feeling of separation, we need to build on our similarities, as well as our uniqueness.''


[SnP clearing throat] IT'S A COOKIE!!!! [/SnP clearing throat]

I sincerely wish I had nothing else to do with my life than sit around and bitch about Christmas cookies being a violation of human rights and the separation of church and state. O sanity, thou art lost forever.

SouthernN'Proud said:
I sincerely wish I had nothing else to do with my life than sit around and bitch about Christmas cookies being a violation of human rights and the separation of church and state. O sanity, thou art lost forever.

My southern gentleman friend. Such frivolity & lighthearted complaining in a world such as ours is a testament to our outstanding economy, superb living conditions & degree of average education.

Many people have no reliable source of food. Many more have little or no electricity, running water, natural cooking gas or a suitable home in which to place these conveniences. Most live in an impoversihed region with greedy, murderous leaders & littler chance of self reliance to further their lives.

We only have idiots who hate Christmans because it politically correct.