More hypersensitivity


Southern Discomfort
Some members of the White House Press Corps are shocked and offended that the U.S. Secret Service wanted to know the race of people who were within shouting distance of the president during the annual White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, according to Reuters.

Ed Chen of the Los Angeles Times, who is secretary of the association, said, "I think it's unnecessary and offensive."

The Secret Service routinely asks for five "identifiers" -- name, date-of-birth, Social Security number, gender and race -- of people who will be near the president to run through a criminal data base, an official said.


Give it time, and they won't even be allowed to ask gender. That is every bit as much an identifying characteristic as race, and equally obvious to the naked eye. Just wait. That too will be taboo soon enough. Then we'll all be just homogenous homo sapiens, not distinguishable from one another in any way. Won't that be spiffy?

**next story**

Activists at Ithaca College in New York were upset about the student paper’s lack of coverage of an anti-racism rally so they did the only sensible thing – they stole hundreds of copies of the paper and threw them away.

The Ithacan says it covered the Erase the Hate rally in its online edition, publishing some 30 photographs, but the organizers and their minions wanted similar levels of coverage in the print edition.

One professor professor on campus was described as “ranting and raving” and calling the paper racist for its decision to save a few trees and opt for electronic pandering.

**end** didn't do it like we wanted you to do it, thus we are justified in committing a crime against you. And people wonder why the world's going to hell in a handbasket? Now we'll get to see some of you guys defend the thieves, and call them justified in their actions. Of course, if it were your profits being stolen, it'd be different. Right?
SouthernN'Proud said: didn't do it like we wanted you to do it, thus we are justified in committing a crime against you. And people wonder why the world's going to hell in a handbasket? Now we'll get to see some of you guys defend the thieves, and call them justified in their actions. Of course, if it were your profits being stolen, it'd be different. Right?

I agree with you, what they did was childish and wrong...

...but from the groups perspective, they wanted attention. They didn't get it right away, so they made sure they were noticed. Mission acomplished :shrug: