More NTL uselessness (but with :D ending this time)


Annoying SOB
heres the itinery for my day yesterday:

9.30 am NTL engineers arrived
10.00am installed cable modem and cable
10.15 attempted to register. Got blaster worm from reg. form.
10.45 cleared PC of blaster tried to install again. Installer crashes while backing up reg.
10.50 reboot PC and try a clean install. Installer crashes while backing up registry. repat 6 times with same end result
11.30 phone NTL customer services. Get some codes that were missing for a later stage as I tried to skip the reg. stage
11.35 installer want to back up the registry again. Crashes again.
11.45 slightly miffed phone NTL again. Say they cant help me because my phone isnt near the PC
12.15 give up and play Final Fantasy 10 for a few hours
15.00 Try again with installer. Crashes. Losing will to live.
15.30 FF-X takes over again
18.30 try installer again. This time in win98 compatability mode. Gets past backing up registry. Instead tells me I do not have TCP/IP installed. Fair do's I checked and wasnt there so installed it. Resarted
18.40 TCP/IP installed but installer adamant it isnt. Only reason why pc is not lying on driveway it pieces is because its my mums.
18.50 try it in 2k comp. mode. detects TCP/IP. Installs modem. Assigns IP. Asks me for a code relating to a set top box not a cable modem. Copius amounts of four letter words uttered.
19.30 find the right codes. Register. Anger passing....rising when modem unistalls itself and windows will not accept the driver.
19.40 restarted and modem no behaving. Log on for the first time

god dammit NTL! Learn your processes and provide the right information first time and more people will like you!
Why do other people seem to have so much trouble with NTL et al? I never seem to have half as much hassle... ?(
The bastards cut us off cos the payment reached them ONE DAY late :cuss:

Still, I'm back on now, and with a nice shiny Radeon 9800 Pro to play with :D