Mother's Day


Staff member
So, what are you giving your mom for mother's day??

I bought my mom a new cordless phone w/call display, a Chicken Soup for the Soul DVD, a bouquet of flowers and a giant card (it's like 16"x30" or so). I'll also be taking her out for lunch or dinner tomorrow.
I got my mom a gift certificate for a massage at a local spa. My in-law is getting flowers and some art from my daughter.
We sent flowers to our far-away mothers, and I got two flowery hanging plants, which was EXACTLY what I asked for, so I'm thrilled to bits. Work letting me leave way early was icing.
Yesterday, as part of my present, I got to go and root through a Goodwill for about 3 1/2 hours all by myself while the girls and Rob were home making my cards. We went out to dinner and then I perused the wine cellar of my local package store.
Today we had a fancypants grilled dinner and ate on the deck complete with a lovely bottle of pinot noir while we watched the birds taking furtive attempts at our new bird feeders.
As well as taking my mom out to eat (Swiss Chalet, her choice) I took her to Dairy Queen for a sundae in a waffle bowl :D