

New Member
So for the past two weeks my mom has been getting sharp pains around her left eye. They're on-again-off-again. I told her to go to the doctor. So instead she tried painkillers, and they didn't work. So I told her again, go to the doctor. So she goes to the dentist. He says her back teeth are grinding which could be causing the problem, so he shaved them down, nothing happened.

So I looked online and found her symptoms very cloesly related to cluster headaches. Guess what it says? Go to the doctor. So for the past 3 days she's been moping around and when the pain starts she'll lay on the couch in front of everyone and moan and groan. The pain subsides in a matter or 30-45 minutes, so ibuprofen isn't helping the pain.

And yet, she still won't go to the doctor. Not even Patient First, which is open right now. I've offered to take her a few times and she said nothing will help her.

You know, I just don't get it. This is really starting to piss me off. Any way to get her to go/ideas for rapid pain relievers?
Did you tell her what you found out about cluster headaches? If not, it might help. As far as her refusing to get help but still complaining of the pain, it could be one of three things.
1. She may be afraid of what it is.
2. She may not want to worry anyone.
3. She may be looking for attention. I know this sounds cruel but perhaps she is beginning to feel a little unneccesary as happens with women who's children are self-sufficient or have developed lives outside of the home and away from mommy. Maybe she likes for you to pay attention to her. If you think this might be the case then I suggest you proceed with caution. You want to give her the attention she craves but i'd try to do it when she isn't complaining of headaches or you'll just reinforce this line of behavior. Also, before we assume that this is the case may i suggest clubbing her over the head and forcably taking her to a doctor to rule out anything serious.
Some important questions to ask are:

Have there been changes in walking and behavior patterns, or personality?
Do changes in positioning or sitting-up cause the headache?
Having excessive trouble sleeping?
Recent trauma to the head or face?
Does it effect vision or hearing?
Numbness in extremities during or near the time of the pain?
Does the pain ever last more than an hour at a time?
Do her eyes remain dilated after an attack for an extened amount of time?

If you answer yes to any of these questions haul her ass in to the doc. even if you have to trick her to get her in there. Cluster headaches with a grouping of these symptoms could indicate a blockage in the carotid artery which if left untreated my result in massive ischemic stroke.
Well, my mom is the kind of person that demands constant attention and sympathy, so tonksy is definately right.

We finally talked her into the hospital by being generally pissy to her until she gave in. She was diagnosed with cluster headaches like I thought and they gave her Imitrex inhalers.

Thanks for your help guys. No clubbing necessary. :swing:
Inkara1 said:

The fact that you seemed to want your suggestion carried out rather than just having it on hand as a last resort disturbs me.
I have headaches like that (not as bad as cluster headaches though, I think) around my left eye every now and then, but I kinda figured is was related to my brain tumor (just a benign lil' thingamabob in the hypothalamus). Since it also seems to be "stretching" towards the area behind my nose and stuff (where I usually get headaches). Was a real bitch this christmas when I had to move around in slowmotion not to make it worse, and it was my turn cooking dinner. Hm, been bothered with numbness too, recently. Oh my.

Yeah, now I'm starting to feel like a hypochondriac. :p
Tell me you see a doctor regularly to monitor that little thingamabob in your hypothalamus.
Well, since they just found it.. naah.. :p They thought it was a prolactinoma and we were gonna medicate the bugger away, but apparantly it's not really up to any proper mischief as of yet so no point in meds. But yeah, they're keeping an eye on it from now on.
Nixy said:
The fact that you seemed to want your suggestion carried out rather than just having it on hand as a last resort disturbs me.

Well, if you'd had your MSN in "do not disturb" mode at the time I posted that, I might have reconsidered. :p
Inkara1 said:
Well, if you'd had your MSN in "do not disturb" mode at the time I posted that, I might have reconsidered. :p

Why would my MSN be in DND?