Moussaoui:"I wanted to stand for 9/11 from the beginning."

Somebody forgot to tell this POS Islam is the religion of peace:

Reasserting his role in Sept. 11, al-Qaida conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui told jurors Thursday he has "no regret, no remorse," was disgusted by the heart-rending testimony of victims and relatives and only wished they had suffered more.

In a lengthy explanation of why he hates Americans, Moussaoui said Islam requires Muslims to be the world's superpower, as he flipped through a copy of the Quran searching for verses to support his assertion. He said one verse requires Muslims "to fight against all who believe not in Allah."

"We have an obligation to be the superpower. You have to be subdued," Moussaoui said.

Too bad the death penalty has gotten so humane.
The Other One said:
Somebody forgot to tell this POS Islam is the religion of peace:

Too bad the death penalty has gotten so humane.

What pissed me off more was the lawyer bullshit in this case where it came into question. He deserves death but the lawyer almost fucked that up.
i say tie him to a post and let the families of 9/11 victims stick one pin each into him until he dies.
The Other One said:
Somebody forgot to tell this POS Islam is the religion of peace...

yeah kinda weird because if you read the koran there's tons of shit in there about smiting the infidels, if i remember correctly. it's also pretty fucking incoherent, but, then, the prophet was illiterate.

despite my strong instict that moose-ow-ey should be thrown into a tree shredder, might even be better to let him live in impotence in a tiny call, and die of natural causes to prevent his martyrdom.

nah, fuck it, fire up the shredder.
I guess he figured out who really lost and who won.

40 years of isolation at the Supermax in CO won't be any picnic for him.

From Fox News:
ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Convicted Sept. 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui says he lied on the witness stand about being involved in the plot and wants to withdraw his guilty plea because he now believes he can get a fair trial.
What he's probably hoping for most is the death, so he can become a martyr and go to Allah-land or some shit with fourty virgins or some shit.

I'm thinking that we lock him up in complete isolation and throw away the key.

Then we fuck with him. Leave the lights on all the time, or off all the time. Play 'The Worst Of The Eighties' for him at 100dB for six hours. Give him regular meals, then not give him any food for like a week, then give him different food at different times. If he falls asleep for more than two hours, put on really loud firealarms. Then the next time, let him sleep.

Then once he's broken, we make him renounce Islam.

Now that'd be a blow to their silly little jihad.
Poor poor Jacques Jihad didn't get his day in the sun. Ain't life a pisser.