Mr Franklin, we couldn't hold it


molṑn labé
Staff member
The Obama administration has become so concerned about the slowing pace of new drugs coming out of the pharmaceutical industry that officials have decided to start a billion-dollar government drug development center to help create medicines.

The new effort comes as many large drugmakers, unable to find enough new drugs, are paring back research. Promising discoveries in such illnesses as depression and Parkinson's that once would have led to clinical trials are instead going unexplored because companies have neither the will nor the resources to undertake the effort. Drug companies have typically spent twice as much on marketing as on research, a business model that is increasingly suspect.

Government Motors, Government Electric, banks, insurance, ObamaCare...

It's not a takeover, huh? Komrade Khrushchev couldn't be prouder.

it's not a takeover when the government steps in to do something the drug companies ARE NOT doing.

in fact you're one-sided complaint is simply proving what i've maintained all along. private business is primarily interested in short term gain. hence the marketing focus. and, there are certain areas of economic activity that need to be supplemented with more long term, strategic development though the government.

go back to your cave.
ah Minks yer so predictable and we love you for it!

yep Private business will only invest in things people
are willing to pay for...

In a Utopian world oh how wonderful it would be if the govenment
would take money at the point of a gun and spend it responsibly
and I dare say profitably to the good of its citizens.

but noooooo

I could bend to agree with your premise if (there's always those pesky
ifs that people who just make reality up as they go along don't have to be concerned with)

A: the government only involved itself in things that were for the good of the people
and not just certain special interest groups and

B: operated with some degree of fiduciary responsibility

but as anyone can see as of now the government can't take on any new spending
and should only be cutting outlays as it's freakin' bankrupt!

With the possible exception of the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act
point to one thing the Feds have done that has met my criteria.

Oh and thanks for playing our game.
it's not a takeover when the government steps in to do something the drug companies ARE NOT doing.

They are not doing it because of government regualtions.

In all that education, you sure as hell didn't learn much. Although. it is typical for the enlightened to fall for dictators, hook, line & sinker. You are in good company. I hear all
the "in" smart ones liked Hitler & loved Mussolini.
they are not doing it because they want money now, not later. "shareholder value," my fine feathered friend. what massively oppressive regulations are you talking about? got any substance behind the kneejerk? wanna prove a point or just spew the stuff that you think you've already figured out?

and i'm sure your vast experience in the lower rungs of society has produced wisdom that far outweighs any petty thoughts and ideas my sorry ph.d and business experience could come up with. nice work, scro.
What regulations? I don't know. You're the smart guy. You can't figure them out? How are we mudtrollers supposed to know? Perhaps a lifetime of reading & observing & participating in life has us recalling the government regulatory machine in high gear. Can I give you particulars & specifics off the top of my head? No. I'm not in the business.

I do remember stupid shit like a 7+ year testing period being dismissed as excessive & not European enough before the FDA signed off on allowing the companies to fast-track. Of course, that didn't work...but the EU didn't extend theirs, so, the lawyers stepped in. Now, all the pharmaceuticals are being sued by someone for something.

There was also something about providing low cost/no cost meds to the poor. Also, wasn't there talk about changing the patent time? I don't recall, since I am just a bumpkin.

As for your general, I envy people who had/have the steadfastness to work hard & earn such a high honor. That would include you. My patience would have waned (in fact, it did). I place value on education. Unbeknownst to you (and far too many with the piece of paper (sheepskin is so yesterday), those who hold it end up believing themselves superior. They forget that, knowledge is everywhere. It needs not be achieved under the eye of a teacher (in reality, a TA). Many of us are capable of educating ourselves. We usually have a full life in which to interfere with our growth.

You are educated in a specific field. You are clearly not capable of seeing what is so clear to many of us. So, are you smarter than all of us? As I already pointed out, the formally educated tend to fall hard for novel new iconoclasts. History has shown this. Look at your own defense of communism. Clearly, you are at the mercy of an idea. Perhaps you need to live a little longer & do a little more. You may yet find your error.

But, what would I know? I made my choices & have lived within their confines. It's sad being on the lower rung....

Nah, not really.
Mr Franklin, we apologize.

Decades of observation of reality means nothing Gonz
how could it when we make this shit up as we go along?
Jeez get with the pogrom Gonz!

Actually this makes perfect sense
the implementation of Obamacare
will put the pharmaceutical companies
out of business, they are just getting started
early with the take over of one sixth of the economy
Look at your own defense of communism. Clearly, you are at the mercy of an idea.

my defense of communism? please. the only thing i've done is point out that you no idea what that word means in any sense other than your imaginary cartoon land of good and evil. and you're entirely unwilling to learn, as you yourself have indicated.

recess is over. wake the fuck up.
2minkey;the only thing i've done is point out that you no idea what that word means in any sense other than your imaginary cartoon land of good and evil. [I said:
and you're entirely unwilling to learn, as you yourself have indicated.

Say what? Just because I don't want to read the entire Karl Marx collection?
Say what? Just because I don't want to read the entire Karl Marx collection?

no, because you have no means to compare his writings to the mainstream economic thought of his time.

you always have to look past a few things to understand the thinkers of the past. should we dismiss heidegger just because he was a nazi?

and there's the sloppily lobbed ball...
I'm not worrying about economic thought at the time. I'm worrying about those that took his words & destroyed nations, murdered millions (his suggestion) & threatened their neighbors. I'm worried about the economic disaster it has brought.

If humans weren't sentient beings, it might work. Unfortunately, as Jamestown (and every other communist/socialist nation) has proven, it lowers output, kills ingenuity & destroys motivation. I like communism, in theory. It can't work, in reality.
jamestown, virginia? what?

well, gonz, you've proven time and again that you have a very shallow understanding of what marxism is and is not. if you want to get out of the kiddie pool, maybe you should find yourself interested in where ideas come from and how they came about.

do you think the intellectual milieu that the US constitution sprang from is worth understanding?

no, probably not.

no sense in learning anything when you have your faith.
Oh now Winky, stop it. Otherwise minkey will tell you how smart he is & what a putz you are.

Jamestown VA, 1607.

As for my understanding of what marxism is/is not
Look at your own defense of communism. Clearly, you are at the mercy of an idea.

I'm worrying about those that took his words & destroyed nations, murdered millions (his suggestion) & threatened their neighbors. I'm worried about the economic disaster it has brought.

I've repeatedly shown what my concern is, You repeatedly tell me I don't get it & offer nothing of substance to back it up.
Dammit Gonz anyone that can't see that the ruling elite
in DC can make our decisions better than we is clearly a putz!

okay gonz, simply the fact that you're suggesting that i "defended communism" makes your entire narrative a bit questionable.

everyone knows that communism sucks. not a hard one to figure out.

as to the big moral drama of destroyed nations and peeples they done kilt...

yeah, don't you think that's a really good reason to actually understand it?

and as to your understanding of it... well, you think a kid that just learned how to ride a big wheel could drive your truck?
