Mr Sharon, tear down this wall


molṑn labé
Staff member
Words that were heard from The Hague. Since it is designed to keep people out instead of keeping them in, those words are premature, as Israeli PM Ariel Sharon points outs after another bus bombing.

World Court said:
...[it] is not convinced that the specific course Israel has chosen for the wall was necessary to attain its security objectives. ... The construction of such a wall accordingly constitutes breaches by Israel of its various obligations under the applicable international humanitarian law and human rights instruments."

VOA said:
An explosion at a bus stop in Tel Aviv has killed a woman and wounded at least 20 other people. The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades has claimed responsibility for the killing.

The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, a militant group closely linked with Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction, claimed responsibility for the blast. The group said it can strike when and where it wishes, despite Israel's security barrier.

The bombing was the first since March and occurred just two days after the U.N. World Court ruled that Israel's separation barrier is illegal and must be dismantled.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said yesterday's bus bombing in Tel Aviv, which killed one woman and injured 20 others, was a consequence of the world court's ruling Friday that Israel's security fence is illegal and must be dismantled.

"The murderous act this morning is the first that occurred to the credit of the decision of the world court at the Hague," Sharon said. "The decision sends a destructive message to encourage the terror and denounces countries that are defending themselves against it."

He called the ruling a "slap in the face" to Israel's fight against Palestinian militants and said his nation "totally rejects the decision."

The International Court of Justice, which Sharon says has no jurisdiction over Israeli matters..(see first quote)