Mr Solo, the thread please, attention Mr Solo


molṑn labé
Staff member
I hope you're not in looking into AFOATS.

When Rebecca Beach, a freshman at Warren Community College in New Jersey e-mailed faculty announcing a campus program yesterday featuring decorated Iraq war hero Lt. Col. Scott Rutter, the response she got from one English professor took her aback.

English professor John Daly replied: "Real freedom will come when soldiers in Iraq turn their guns on their superiors."

Didja ever notice how many collge professors want military folks killed but just look how they continue to go on about Kent State.

Gonz said:
I hope you're not in looking into AFOATS.

Didja ever notice how many collge professors want military folks killed but just look how they continue to go on about Kent State.


I just can't wait until flavio looks in here. I'm sure he'll have some interesting words for this.

Oh, bit. He has freedom of speech to protect him. The freedom of speech bought, and paid for, by the blood of the very same types of people he wants to turn mutinous right now in Iraq. Then again...he is an English professor...
Gato_Solo said:
The freedom of speech bought, and paid for, by the blood of the very same types of people he wants to turn mutinous right now in Iraq.
Luckily someone like Bush wasn't in charge then or we wouldn't have that freedom.
While at war, it's a necessary evil and although I'd prefer it not be needed I'm still in the dark on whose rights it curtails.
a freshman at Warren Community College

Strike one. A few months removed from high school.

in New Jersey

Strike two. Find Jimmy Hoffa, THEN save the world, m'kay?

English professor John Daly

Strike three. I've yet to find a real professor at a community college. I've yet to find an English professor qualified to speak on foreign policy.
flavio said:
Luckily someone like Bush wasn't in charge then or we wouldn't have that freedom.

So much for interesting words. Just the same old sentiments about President Bush. Guess original ideas are out of the question...
Daly's e-mail also claimed that "capitalism has killed many more" people than communism and that "poor and working class people" are recruited to "fight and die for EXXON and other corporations."

I think the DK's had it right!

"Kill the Poor"!

Daly added that he would ask his students to boycott the event and also vowed "to expose [her] right-wing, anti-people politics until groups like [Rebecca’s] won’t dare show their face on a college campus."

So much for tolerance...
Gato_Solo said:
So much for interesting words. Just the same old sentiments about President Bush. Guess original ideas are out of the question...
Certainly more interesting than your words and lack of original ideas.
flavio said:
Yep, exactly what he was doing.

I don't think this is the original flavio. I think it's a bot. :lol: All he can do is contradict what I say, or blame the President... :lol2:
A metaphor killing your superior officer I presume.

A New Jersey college's board of trustees has called for an emergency meeting tonight to discuss how to handle the controversy surrounding an e-mail by a professor suggesting soldiers in Iraq should kill their superior officers.

Daly said Sunday he was worried he would be fired tonight and already had been told not to show up for the three classes he was scheduled to teach today, according to Inside Higher Ed, an online news source.

The professor who gained national attention for suggesting U.S. soldiers in Iraq kill their superior officers has resigned his teaching post at a New Jersey college, moments before school officials were slated to decide his fate.

A true patriot says
Patrick Henry said:
Give me liberty or give me death.

A liberal slacker professor says
" expose [her] right-wing, anti-people politics until groups like [Rebecca's] won't dare show their face on a college campus."