Mrs. Ridge promotes survey on sex, drugs


Well-Known Member
By George Archibald

A Fairfax County schools survey that asks teens if they perform oral sex, use drugs or ever have considered suicide is part of a national grant-harvesting program promoted by Michele Ridge, wife of President Bush's director of homeland security.Mrs. Ridge is the hired national spokeswoman for Communities That Care (CTC), which developed the youth survey used in more than 400 communities nationwide to collect personal information from students to help local governments justify federal and foundation grant applications, said Michael G. Bete, president of Channing Bete Co., a Massachusetts firm that devised the data-gathering program.
Millions of dollars worth of grants gained through CTC fund community programs that fight drug abuse, delinquency and sexual diseases, he said.
"We collect primary data from students self-reporting" about drug use, sexual activity and family matters, Mr. Bete said in an interview. "Based on their own unique data, we help communities develop a prevention plan that leads them to choose proven and existing programs" to reduce youth delinquency and anti-social behavior.
A public outcry over the 169-question school survey to be administered to Fairfax County sophomores and seniors in April erupted last month, after parents objected to its explicit sexual questions.
The county's 15- to 18-year-old high school students will be asked: "How old were you when you first had sex?" "Have you ever had oral sex?" "The last time you had sexual intercourse, what one method did you or your partner use to prevent pregnancy?"

This is the typical "damn now I gotta find my political wife a job" kind of crap that disgusts me...

...Nancy Reagan, Tipper Gore, Billary Clinton..blah blah blah....

whats MOST offensive is that the questions make some pretty bold presumptions...

If I were a parent I'd probably be writing my elected whore...

If I were a student I'd probably answer the questions like this...

" What method of protection did I use? Hmmm...I had shot up some smack right before...but if I recall correctly I pulled out and blew all over .......and then we both jumped up and down on the bed just to make sure. Was this wrong?"

.....yeah...that's what I'd do...

The survey does assume the participants have had sex, not whether or not they have. I think I'd be a little pissed if my kid brought home a survey like that.
I think its even more disturbin' that, seems folks, whose lives of luxury an' 'privilage' are paid for by despairin' taxpayers, are spent conjurin' up such steamin' piles of horse manure, like that useless survey.

I tend to agree with MADrin on this one.:disgust2:
HeXp£Øi± said:
By George Archibald

A Fairfax County schools survey that asks teens if they perform oral sex, use drugs or ever have considered suicide is part of a national grant-harvesting program promoted by Michele Ridge, wife of President Bush's director of homeland security.Mrs. Ridge is the hired national spokeswoman for Communities That Care (CTC), which developed the youth survey used in more than 400 communities nationwide to collect personal information from students to help local governments justify federal and foundation grant applications, said Michael G. Bete, president of Channing Bete Co., a Massachusetts firm that devised the data-gathering program.
Millions of dollars worth of grants gained through CTC fund community programs that fight drug abuse, delinquency and sexual diseases, he said.
"We collect primary data from students self-reporting" about drug use, sexual activity and family matters, Mr. Bete said in an interview. "Based on their own unique data, we help communities develop a prevention plan that leads them to choose proven and existing programs" to reduce youth delinquency and anti-social behavior.
A public outcry over the 169-question school survey to be administered to Fairfax County sophomores and seniors in April erupted last month, after parents objected to its explicit sexual questions.
The county's 15- to 18-year-old high school students will be asked: "How old were you when you first had sex?" "Have you ever had oral sex?" "The last time you had sexual intercourse, what one method did you or your partner use to prevent pregnancy?"


So, anyone here ever consider suicide by oral sex, while stoned? What a way to go.