Music downloads


molṑn labé
Staff member
Man, there's too many to filter through.

I wanna buy my $.99 (or cheaper) music singles with the ability to use them in my mp3 player or my computer or burn them or any other legal thing I damw well choose. SO many sites seem to limit them to specific machines or limited burns or whatever.

Which ones say here's your tunes, have a nice life?
This will be an issue here after Christmas. I haven't yet entered the millenium, and dunno what *we* can use/do and how.

I need this info tooooo!

*edit* Maybe when Nixy comes over she can show us :lloyd:
Awfully slow site (guess being half a world away does that). Appreciate the link though.

Musicmatch is hilarious...
We bought a song & the next day the old ladies comp took a major crap. Everything, gone. Including this song. I used their site & emailed billing & asked if there was a solution for a purchased tune that went *poof*.

I got the standard cheery you're fucked because of the EULA, have a nice day response. So, in return I reply in my own cheery note-
Hello Mark,
> Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Customer Support.
> We understand that you lost your downloaded track. We have looked into
> this and if you were to check the Musicmatch Jukebox End User License
> Agreement, once a track or tracks have been successfully downloaded
> your computer, they will be your responsibility. Due to this,
> unfortunately, we will not be able to assist you for any lost or
> tracks after they have been successfully downloaded to your computer.
> hope that you we have been able to clarify this for you. We also hope
> that you would be able to understand this matter.
> Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.
> Regards,
> Kurt

Why, yes, Kurt, I do understand. Thank you for your reasonably prompt
response. I hope you, and Musicmatch, understand that Musicmatch & I can
longer do business. Call it my own End User Agreement. Please the
or lose the customer.


Tonight I find this
Hello Mark,

Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Customer Support.

You're welcome! As our customer, your satisfaction is the most important
thing to us. If you have other concerns that we can assist you with,
please write us back so that we know where to improve on.

Have a nice day!

Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.




As our customer, your satisfaction is the most important
thing to us.
I don't think that means what they think it means.