My back hurts


molṑn labé
Staff member
I must have missed a spot in my daily self-induced chiropracty. Serious pain under the shoulder blade. Pinched nerves SUCK!!!!!!
I did that turned out to be a torn muscle under the shoulder blade...hurt for weeks and still isn't right i.e. i can't lift anything over my head, hurts when I use it much at all. :eh: I hope that's not what you got.
I hope not's going to be a longer 2 days if it doesn't get better.
Well, if jerking off for him involves lifting over his head, then why is he driving trucks for a living?

Nope...can't...offers thanks to whatever god is willing to listen
What fun we have...I can't do anything simply or easily.

I saw my doc on Friday (had to get a bi-annual DOT physical), anyway, I mentioned this problem. The pain has been gone but I lack strength & full control above shoulder height. Since I only go to the doctor if I'm dying or my job is in the line, I've just put up with it.

It turns out he's a non-practicing D.O., which could be handy. After about 30 seconds of fiddling around, he say my shoulder blade isn't staying put when my arm moves. I somehow slipped it past the muscles that hold it in place & the (most likely) only fix will be surgery. "Here", he says, "go see my orthopedic buddies across town & pay them major bucks to tell you what I just told you, (probably)".

I told you it hurt.

I just recalled I started this thead. I thought it has only been about 6 weeks. My how time flies.
Leslie said:
I did that turned out to be a torn muscle under the shoulder blade...hurt for weeks and still isn't right i.e. i can't lift anything over my head, hurts when I use it much at all. :eh: I hope that's not what you got.
haaaaaaaaaaaa I was pretty close innit? :lloyd:
Yes ma'am. I had a rather smartass way of saying you were on the money & I decided to edit it out :shrug:
MRI & EMG scheduled for Friday.

The D.O. spent 5 minutes with me & told me I was weird. Go figure. Something about it appears to be one thing but the most obvious symptom (pain) doesn't exist. No kidding, if I knew the problem I could have fixed the problem. Stupid quacks. Educated guessers, at best.

I'm gonna spend 2 grand or more & the quack will tell me it's not serious enough to require surgery & time (+ a little rehab *kaching*) will fix it.
I didn't ever do diddly squat for it...I occasionally have pain (like today), but mostly using my arm/back I just have a feeling of "odd" or "doesn't quite feel right". Go do what it is they say to do...if you can get some rehab prescribed/covered by insurance out of it I say do it.
Gonz said:
I'm gonna spend 2 grand or more & the quack will tell me it's not serious enough to require surgery & time (+ a little rehab *kaching*) will fix it.


I got a shot of cortisone & a referal to a rehab guy today.

A small tear on top of my shoulder that the MRI barely picked up.

This is why I don't go to doctors.